Friday, August 8, 2014

Production Controller~Week One

I’m on my own now….well, not really. Diane’s last day was Thursday after end of month closing….about 5:30. This week was ‘sink or swim’, and I’m still alive, although I have had a lot of people throwing out the life raft to help me, hence, ‘not on my own’.  I’ve asked for less each day, and hopefully by the end of the month I’ll know what I’m doing, and will  have gained some speed. I have put in some extra hours this week trying to ‘catch up’ with what didn’t get done last week. I’m even working tomorrow in the morning for a few hours to try to get to the end of ‘this week’, before I start next week.

I love my job. I love my coworkers. Everyone has been so nice. I thank God and everyone else who made this position possible for me. I was so surprised when the position was offered to me. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

That being said….I ‘moved in’, and made this space ‘my own’. It was easier to work in ‘my space’ this week. I brought in lots of things from home to personalize it. If it is like my home, it will always be changing. I even put my sweetie on my desktop.


My cubicle is on the back row, and the left corner. There are four cubicles on each side. My friend Pattykins in on the backside, and it would be the left corner for her too. Her back is to the big front windows. I was going to move on that side to an empty space, but I decided I liked where I was. There are always people walking by, and I like that. It’s also easier for the people from the shop to find me if they need something. (It’s also only a few feet from the restroom) Winking smile20140809_123428

If you look in the top left corner of the following photo, you will see a corner with a plant. That is where the receptionist sits. She also does order entry. She gets a good view of the parking lot, the street, all the traffic, and all movement going on outside. I would like that too, but to be honest, I wouldn’t see much, because I am always busy and I don’t even watch the clock! Time flies!! The days go very fast.


I haven’t blogged much. I haven’t done much of anything else either. Time will fix that though, and I’ll get going again on things.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying the new job! Have a great weekend. :)

  2. I'm so glad it's working out this well - I was so hoping you would love it! blessings, marlene

  3. So happy for you. It will get easier every day.

  4. Oh and my email is for that mini sewing machine

  5. Oh and my email is for that mini sewing machine

  6. Oh and my email is for that mini sewing machine

  7. I am hoping that you can help. My husband purchased the Mini Classic and I have never used it until today only to discover that the bobbin case (part that hold the actual bobbin) is missing. Can you help me or get me to someone who can provide the bobbin case. Thanking you in advance.

    1. Lynn, your address is not visible as you did not put it in your google profile, so you are a 'no reply' blogger which makes it difficult to reply to you. I hope you can get that information to me so I can help you.

    2. Lynn, your address is not visible as you did not put it in your google profile, so you are a 'no reply' blogger which makes it difficult to reply to you. I hope you can get that information to me so I can help you.

  8. ~Life With Lou~: Mal’s Mini Classic~A Featherweight Reproduction

  9. ~Life With Lou~: Mal’s Mini Classic~A Featherweight Reproduction


I enjoy your comments, but if you ask a question, I cannot reply to you if you are a NO-REPLY blogger and do not supply an email address. If you need a reply to your comment, please find the 'Contact Me' button on the right side bar of my blog, which will supply you with a fresh new email for you to compose and send, then I will reply as quickly as I can. Thank you for stopping by.