Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Three More ‘Crazies’ Blocks

After I got all my blocks squared up, I decided to lay them all out and decide which direction I was going to go with my quilt. I didn’t want to cut any blocks into thirds and make a matching border. I decided to use all the blocks in the main body. If you look closely at the picture, four of the rows have 6 blocks across and the last three rows only have 5, which meant that I needed three more blocks. (The last block in each of the first 4 rows is overlapping on the previous block.)


Fortunately for me, I had saved all my scraps from when I cut out my quilt and I even found them! I needed to cut enough pieces to make three more patchy blocks.


Saturday night I set up one of my sewing machines in the living room, turned on Netflix and got to work.



Next I needed to embellish the seams. Four hours from start to finish the blocks and embellishing were done.




Sunday morning, I took myself downstairs, turned on HGTV, pulled out my sewing machine, squared up the three blocks, laid out the blocks to my liking, and started sewing rows.


The blocks were big, and only 6 per row, so it didn’t take long to get the rows sewn. Next, I sewed the rows together.  This quilt is 6 rows across by 7 rows long. It will be a nice big snuggly quilt.


Saturday, I’m hoping to load it onto the quilter and get it quilted. Maybe Sunday, I’ll get the binding sewn down on one side and spend the afternoon watching movies or Netflix and stitching the binding down.


  1. I just love the made fabric blocks. I have vintage machines, so no embellishing for me. If I watched TV while sewing, I am sure I would end up in the emergency room with hand injuries! I listen to Pandora or podcasts, I like my fingers the way they are.


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