Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year~Genie 354~Santa

I guess we are going to start the New Year out by creating my post on Open Live Writer, which replaces Windows Live Writer. I found out yesterday when I tried to write my post that WLW would not work with Blogger anymore, so I was forced to use the writer in Blogger itself. I complained to WLW and got an email reply with the information I needed and a link to download OLW. So here goes!


Last Sunday, Louie and I went to Cedar Rapids to meet a couple who bought a sewing machine from me, and to check out another lead, so we hit the Goodwill stores. I already have a couple of these, but I couldn’t pass up another one. It was FILTHY, and the cord was jammed up against the machine from the inside, and we didn’t think we would get the cover slid off of it without dismantling it, but we did manage to get the job done. It was priced very reasonable, so we took a chance.



Genie cleaned up good though! I oiled her and put a new needle in. I don’t think from the looks of the foot control and power cord that this machine was used much. I think it sat in the sun, which is why the white has considerably yellowed, but it seems to run just fine.


The bobbin cover slide plate was missing, but thankfully someone on ebay had one. Ebay never fails me! It is on it’s way to me.


Update! The slide plate came, and it was too long, but my sweetie was able to modify it, and now it fits perfectly!


I put the foot controller away…..


….set the cover in place…..


…slid it over and locked it into place. It’s just so cute!


Yesterday, Louie and I went to the Quad Cities. We went to the Bimbo Bakery Outlet Store for bread for the freezer, and hit a few Goodwill and Salvation Army stores. I think it was at one of the last ones, I found an older, retired Santa by Isabel Bloom. I don’t normally collect seasonal figurines, but this one was reasonable and  I couldn’t pass it up. He stands about 10.5” tall.




Have a wonderful New Year and a blessed 2016. I pray the New Year brings you all you hope for and keeps you happy and healthy.


  1. I love reading your blog & seeing your sewing machines. I've been reading it for a long time. I also enjoy seeing the charity quilts. THanks, Jeanie in MO

  2. A machine is a great way to start a new year! Happy 2016!


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