Wednesday, February 3, 2016

January Quilting~White Tonals~Clutter

Well, here it is, almost time for February quilting, and I haven’t posted about our January quilting day. I was very lazy, I guess, and I never even took one photo.

As always, it was a fun, delightful day, and I enjoyed visiting with all of my quilting girls. There are always stories to tell, and lots of laughter.

I sewed a Parkview quilt top, and ALMOST got it put together, but not quite. I still haven’t finished it. Maybe I will get that done on Saturday when we meet again.

Renea’s name was drawn and she chose white tonal fabrics, and I DIDN’T EVEN GET A PHOTO OF THE FABRIC! Embarrassed smile What was wrong with me???? I did, however, go google image searching and I found a photo I could use. I mean, what’s a blog post without a photo?????


So what else have I been up to? Same same. Working, sleeping after work in my loveseat/recliner, watching tv, and on the weekends, doing a little junkin’ and when I can, visiting my great nephew and his grandma (my sissypoo).



Last weekend, I literally kicked my sweetie out of the house so I could declutter. He left for Minneapolis on Friday night and returned at 8pm Sunday evening. I got a lot done, but not as much as I would have liked. I have a lot more to do. I did deliver a load to our local Goodwill though. I thought I would have another load on Sunday, but when I started working in my office, I ended up doing a lot of paper shredding, and filing, and cleaning out drawers, so I only got one box. I need to jump back into my office closet again. That seems to be where I stuff everything to get it out of sight, and put things I’m not sure I want to keep or not. I’m a long way from finished, but what I do have done, feels good.


I plan on going through every room in my house, and every closet and every dresser and every hiding place, and when I am finished, maybe I will feel unchained. My friend Amy described what I am feeling as paralyzing. I knew how I felt, but she put the words to it. When I feel overwhelmed with clutter, even though I can’t see most of it, I know it is there, and I know it needs to go. When I know things needs to be done, but I don’t have the energy or motivation to do it, it stops me from doing anything else creative, like sewing, or quilting. I keep telling people I think I was the most happy when I lived in a little apartment and didn’t have as much. Stuff clutters my home and my mind, and it really does affect me.

Maybe my new word for 2016 should be DECLUTTER.


  1. Glad I could help you with a word to help you describe your feelings. =)

    Take care, my friend and have fun decluttering!!

  2. White scares me, along with making me look fat. I try to use as little of that as I can in my quilts.
    I'll bet you are enjoying that little fella. They are so cute at that age and can get into all kinds of trouble.I know that feeling.
    Decluttering. I did some of that awhile back, and now I'm having trouble finding things to decorate with. I'm the throw-away-girl married to the I-have-everything-I-ever-had guy.I have to watch for the waste truck and run out with it before he sees what's going. It does feel good to get rid of things you KNOW you don't need.
    Yes, we are into Feb and glad to get nearer to Spring. Have fun with your quilting!

  3. Keep at it. I am doing the same thing. Keep moving forward, even if it is baby steps. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

  4. Declutter is a good word. Has Louie had his tournament yet?


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