Sunday, March 29, 2009

Windows Live Writer!

I learned about Windows Live Writer from Suzan so I needed to check it out. This is my first attempt at doing so.

Now I am trying the ‘Insert photo’, so I will show you the Fil-Tec Magna-Glide bobbins I ordered last night from AllStitch LLC .

bobbinsSoooo, that seemed to work ok. I just discovered the font choices. Woo hoo!  I LOVE different fonts. There are lots of different color choices for fonts too. Oh baby! I am going to LOVE THIS! Of course, I am ‘winging it’ without reading directions or learning what does what before I start, but that’s just me. 

So, thank you Suzan, for pointing me in this direction. I love computers and I will be forever grateful. Everyone have a wonderful, blessed, and God appreciative day!

Be blessed! 



Friday, March 27, 2009

Quilting Secrets of A One Woman Show

How does one woman load a King Size quilt onto her quilt frame in a garage all by herself when the floor is dirty? I did sweep and vacuum it, but there is still an unbelievable amount of dust. I know, because I clogged the filters in 4 vacuum cleaner bags.

Well, first you set up the quilter, then you lay a king size flat sheet on the floor and put bricks on each corner.Then you get your backing fabric and lay it over the middle roller good side facing down, and let the backing fall onto your sheet, instead of the dirty garage floor.Pin it, and roll it up.Then get your batting and quilt top stretched across your rollers, adjusted for proper length and width on top of the roller with your backing, then let it fall onto the sheet on the floor.Then roll it up and pin it in place.I was really disappointed last night when I realized I might not have enough varigated green top thread. I didn't have any green for the back in The Bottom Line thread either, that I usually use. 'I CAN'T WAIT TIL NEXT WEEKEND! I'VE WAITED LONG ENOUGH! I WANT TO GET THIS QUILTED THIS WEEKEND!' (Whew, yes, I almost did have a little tantrum!) So I started looking at the thread that I had, and decided I would have to make something else do. 'Ahhh....yes. I should try this Magna-Glide Fil-Tec bobbin thread I bought. What the heck!' I found matching thread for the top, although, it really wouldn't have mattered, but as I said, I had no green that would work, and I had no black. I really didn't want to use black anyway.So the directions say to remove the little tension spring from the bottom of the bobbin holder. Ok, I can do that. (Michelle, make a mental note which way the spring was in there! Check!)See those little plastic thingies on my wrist magnet? Those are the core of each bobbin. Of course, you cannot reuse these bobbin centers yourself, but I saw online where some places are taking them back and giving your credit for them. Smart idea. I think I'll hang onto mine. Maybe I can repurpose them into something else, or save them til I have a bunch. The black part is a magnet, and you put the magnet towards the bottom. It replaces the spring, and it keeps the tension consistent, like it resists free movement, keeping the tension taut. Can I just say I LOVE MAGNA-GLIDE bobbins!!!!!!!!!The tension was PERFECT the whole time. I did not have ANY trouble with the bobbin thread, and it looked tight and consistent the whole way through. There are no thread glitches towards the end with these bobbins. When you run out, you run out. That's it. Renea and Kate! If you haven't used your Magna Glide bobbins yet, try them! You will love them! I used Signature Mercerized Cotton on the top. I made NO adjustments to the bobbin case WHATSOEVER! The next picture is a rare specimen, and 'sightings' are seldom and rare. Catch a glimpse while you can! (DARN that Louie!) It took me about 7 1/2 hours from setting up the frame to cutting the quilt off the frame. I used 4 1/2 bobbins. Had I used regular quilting thread in my bobbins on a quilt this size, I could have easily used close to 20 bobbins. Here is the quilt right after I cut it from all the excess. After all that, I took a break. The big white blotch on the left hand lower corner is sunshine coming in under the curtain on the window. (Time: 3:45pm)
Well, you know me! I didn't take too long of a break. The binding is on the quilt, and the quilt is on the bed. (Roughly 9:30pm)Thanks for letting me share my pictures.

Be blessed!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Junkin' Treasures

I found this vintage bunny while junkin' on Friday. He was a ceramics project in 1981. I couldn't resist him. I also found the yellow eggs, and I thought they were just the perfect size to go along with the egg the bunny is holding. The bunny was $3.38, and the three eggs together were $1.38.

I decided to put one of the eggs in my tea cup. I thought looked cute there.Don't ask me why I have to bring every quilt I see home. I is one of those probably made in a China, but it's a quilt, none the less. $8.38. I bought the two sheets on the top of this stack, and the floral one under the solid green one. The others I bought at different times. (The solid green one is now part of my quilt back.)Not a whole lot of treasures this weekend, but just enough to calm my 'junkin' addiction.

I also got another 'treasure' on Friday. I had a package on my porch when I got home from my friend, Sue. Thank you Sue! I love it!
Be blessed!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Must Have Hit My Head!

I HAD to have hit my head to think that I could get this HUGE quilt done this weekend. I ALWAYS think I can just 'throw on some borders' and get going, when in reality, it takes me a lot longer to get that done than I anticipate.

While I was at work this week, I dreamed of how I was going to get this all done this weekend. I figured I could get the garage cleaned and vacuumed Friday, and Friday evening set the quilter up. I thought I could just (here I go again) 'throw the borders on' the quilt top, then piece the backing to make it big enough, and piece the batting. I could have all day Saturday to get it quilted after I loaded it, and I thought today (Sunday), I could clean everything up, and put the binding on. WRONG!

Friday morning I had a dentist appointment for more impressions for my 'crown'. My appointment was at 10:20. I was out of the chair by 11:15, but I had to leave without my partial, and pick it up later. Ok. I needed to go to Sam's and renew my membership anyway. I would go do some junkin too, (and NOT TALK to anyone!). I was to be back at the Dentist by 4:40 to pick up my partial. After I went shopping, I went to my sissypoo's home to wait out the rest of the afternoon until it was time to go back to the dentist. So...............scratch doing anything more on Friday.

Saturday morning, I got up with high expectations. I went to have coffee with my friend Christie, and by the time I got back, it was about 10:15am. I needed to work on my laundry, and vacuum. Then I decided my office needed cleaning, so I did that too. By the time I got that done, it was about 1:30 or 2:00, and I had completely fizzled out. Done, spent. No energy or ambition whatsoever. Zip, zero, nada. So I sat in my chair and watched a movie on LMN and napped.

So this morning, after playing on my computer for hours, (yes, I was up at 5:30...or was it 4:30?), my husband made me a nice breakfast of pancakes and eggs, and after I ate my breakfast, I told him I was going down to put my borders on. That was 9:30. I got the top done and tried on the bed.Next, I had to figure out what I was going to do for backing. I had a plan in my head, but I was running short on the black I used on the border, so that plan was out the door. I had two light green sheets that I decided to use. I laid out the first sheet in the middle of the quilt and figured out how wide the borders needed to be, to add to each side to make it the right size. I used up almost completely, the second sheet just for borders. I did have enough sheet left to add another strip across the top of the backing to wrap around the quilt rollers. My backing cost me a total of $4.50. The black piece you see on the white strip on the right side is just pinned on to tell me that will be the top of the quilt.Next was the 'fun' part. (sarcasm). I needed to piece the batting. I have a roll of 90" wide batting, so I unrolled 130" for length, but needed to add about 18" more for width, so I cut two strips 18" by WOF and joined those two pieces end to end, then joined the new long 18" wide strip to the width of the other piece. It went together pretty good. Here it is, all pieced, and folded lengthwise in 4th's, ready to put on the quilter.I finished up and placed my front, back and batting here in this pile about 5:00 pm. It always takes me longer than I think it will. Hopefully, I will be all ready for the quilter next weekend, Lord willing, and the creek doesn't rise!Do you want to see my new ironing board cover I got off eBay a few weeks ago? I love it! The lady I got it from makes them and sells them all the time, and I think, also takes custom orders. If I need any more, I will be getting them from her! The fabric is quilt shop quality. It's almost too pretty to use!...and now, I'll share a little bit of humor to offset my whining...

Amazing Medical Breakthrough
From Women of Splendor by Linda Weber

A young girl came home from school and announced to her mom that she had learned how to prevent AIDS.

'Oh my!', her mom thought, disappointed at not being the first one to inform her daughter of this sensitive issue.

The girl proceeded to tell her mom the magic formula: "All you have to do, is buy condominiums and avoid intersections!"

Be blessed, and have a wonderful new week!

Make Me A Vessel

Do you remember Chris Sligh from American Idol Season 6? He's got an awesome Christian cd that I love, called 'Running Back To You'.
Here are a couple of his videos. Awesome!

I pray you have a wonderful God-filled day, and you see all the signs and wonders of God's love all around you!
Be blessed!

Font fun!

I ran across this site while blog hopping this morning. I don't remember where I saw it, but I followed the directions and now my computer has the Michelle and the Michelle print fonts installed. I am a bit disappointed in my horrible handwriting, but that is from years of non-writing, thanks to my computer keyboard.

This will only work on your computer. The font will show up in your email, notepad, wordpad, and any other program you have using fonts. The disappointing thing, is that only you can see your fonts. If you wanted to write a letter in your own handwriting, without gripping your pen, you could do this, then print your document. The only way anyone else could see this font, is if you sent the font file to them, and they installed it into their computer. It was fun anyway. So anyway, go HERE, and have tons of fun creating your own font!

Be blessed!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Turning Thirty Quilt

I made a separate post for my Turning 'Thirty' quilt so the quilt retreat post won't be so bogged down with photos.

Here are some of my 'A' blocks as I was making them. ...and here are my 'B' blocks. Notice the fan on the floor? It was HOT!
Here is one of the layouts. I laid all the blocks out in the order the pattern called for, but then I had to do some rearranging to get to the point of my liking. It seemed the longer I rearranged, the more discontented I got, so I just said, 'this is it, like it or not', picked them up and stitched them together. I can't believe how fast it all went! Polly and I are holding this up sideways so everyone could see the whole thing, even if they did have to look under the table! With thirty blocks, I made six blocks long by five blocks wide. Louie and I measured it, and 'tried it on' the bed this morning. Right now, it is 87" wide. Length does not matter on the quilt frame, only the width. As you can see, it is pretty long, which is what I wanted. I am going to add borders to it yet though, and I needed to know how wide it was so I knew how much border I could add, and yet, have it fit across my widest rollers on my quilt frame. I have about 20" yet to play with, so I am going to add a 9 or 10" border all the way around it yet, which will make the quilt almost touch the floor on the sides, and with the extra length, it should be long enough so that I can make the bed like a bedspread, instead of a quilt, by tucking the pillows in. If you look, you can see a floral bedspread underneath the quilt top. It doesn't touch the floor either, so I would like this quilt to be just a little bigger. I have not totally figured out the backing yet, but I know I will use a sheet, and will probably have to get a little creative by adding a border to the backing too. I have all week to figure that out.If you are looking for a quick project quilt, this one is it! Check back later (who knows when) for the finished, quilted quilt. I'm not sure when I will get it quilted, but I'm sure it will be in the not so distant future! Maybe next weekend!

Be blessed!!

Quilt Retreat

Saturday, March 14th, our 'Loose Tensions' quilt group traveled to Fulton, Illinois to Susan's Calico Creations for our little quilt retreat.

We had a couple birthdays for March, so Mrs. D made each of them a cake. Patty is a St. Patrick Day baby, so here she is with her cake.Christie's birthday is March 31st. Here she is with Mrs. D, who made her cake.Here are just some snapshots. This is Mrs. D and her daughter Barb.PattyPolly, who I realized I did not get a picture of her quilt. I will have to wait for pictures from the other girls who took pictures. Sorry Polly!
Christie at her machine, and Kate (with her back to us) and Margaret...and Christie laying her blocks out.Here is Jeanne. She had a busy weekend planned, so she was only able to join us for a short timeHere is Leslie. Her black and white quilt which she was working on, is on the design wall behind her. Oh! I guess you can see some of Polly's quilt, and the colors she used. Here is Barb's first finished quilt top. She was working on a second one later on.Here is Mrs. D's laying on the floor waiting to be sewn.Here is Kate's quilt top. A few of the girls did 'Turning Twelve'. Here is Patty's finished Turning Twenty. Here is my finished Turning 'Thirty'. I will show you more in another post and show you where it is going, and what else I plan on doing with it.It was a wonderful fun filled day. We were all pretty pooped by the end of the day. About 9:15pm, Mrs. D and Barb went to a motel for the night, Patty, Polly, Christie and I came home, and Margaret, Leslie and Kate stayed overnight at the quilt shop. Renea was not able to join us, and we missed her.
It was just an awesome day, and Susan was just a wonderful hostess.
Be blessed!!!


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