Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th, 2014 Ride

Today we rode up to Marquette/McGregor Iowa to go to the Flea Market under the bridge. It was about a two hour ride, and a beautiful day. It was a little chilly for highway riding, but perfect with a sweatshirt. It was sunny, and very little wind.

On our way back, we followed the Great River Road, and stopped at Cassville, Wisconsin in the park to take a break and stretch. We had a little snack, and drank some water, and Louie asked if I would sit on the dinosaur for a picture. I said I would if he would!


We ain't never gonna grow up. Nuh uh. You can't make us!


The Turkey river was very high, so the Cassville Ferry, which takes travelers to the other side of the river, near Balltown Iowa, was docked today. People were still fishing and sitting and enjoying the river.


So what did we find at the flea market? Well, I was on the hunt for some small post/pierced style earrings. I didn’t have any luck, but I did find 8 watches and a bracelet, and Louie found a watch as well. All but one need a battery, but we only paid $20 for all 10 pieces. Not too bad! I’m happy! I already had three watches, and I had fun wearing different ones to work this week. I like being able to wear my rings and watches. For so many years, I barely even put them on because of my job. I’m having fun now!



Louie’s watch is the first one in this photo.



My bracelet says: Now faith is being sure of…


what we hope for and certain…


of what we do not see.


Hebrews 11:1


We were tired when we got back. What did you do today?





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