Sunday, February 8, 2015

February Quilting~Donation Quilts~White FQ’s

February quilting was on February 7th, but we didn’t really have a project to work on since Ronelle was gone that day and she was the one who won the draw, chose the fat quarters, and chose the project, so we all just kind of worked on our own things.

Polly and I each sewed a donation quilt top for the Park View Quilting Ministry. The top photo is the one Polly sewed, and the bottom one is the one I sewed.



These were the fq’s we collected that day. Yummy!


It was a fun day with the girls, but then, it always is!

Bernina 1530 Inspiration

It didn’t look this nice when we first saw the sewing machine in the case sitting on the shelf in the electronics section of Goodwill. This was all after a bath, purchase of a instruction manual pdf, and some test stitches.


Louie thought it looked like a bread maker. I just glanced at it and thought it was a safe. Louie looked a little closer and saw ‘Bernina’, and knew Bernina didn’t make bread makers. We took the cover off and plugged in the machine. The display lit up, and when we plugged in the foot control and pressed down, the needle went up and down. The accessory box was full of feet. Old style Bernina Feet. I knew if nothing else, parting out this machine would be worth WAYYYYY more than what we were going to pay. In the cart it went.







After the bath…….




I was more than a little curious about the signature on the front. First of all, I couldn’t read it, although I could make out H. P., so I worked Google for awhile and found H. P. Ueltschi. If you click his name you can see him talk a little about the history of his family and Bernina. Sew, the name on the front of my machine is H.P. Ueltschi.




The machine was also missing the presser foot lifter. I saw one on ebay, but it was more than what I wanted to pay, so I went back to Google and bought one from the United Kingdom. Delivered, it was still way less than the one on ebay.

Bernina FHS Presser Foot Lifter


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