Sunday, August 3, 2008

Calling All Doctors, 'Er...Technicians!

Friday I made a friendship block by using my Juki which has had it's problems lately. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to rid my fears of whether it worked or not. Talk about tempermental! First it worked, then it didn't, then it did, then it didn't.....I surrender. I have not used my quilting frame since late November because of this ordeal. It really traumatized me, I hate to admit. The main circuit board was 'supposedly' replaced, so it must be something else now. I recently learned that there is at least one, if not two more circuit boards in this machine. It could be something else altogether (sigh).....At this time, we are still trying to find someone to fix my Juki. Yesterday, we talked to a guy at a repair center we have used before, and I sent him the pdf files of the Juki TL-98E repair manual, parts list, and some names, emails, and numbers of Juki contacts. He is going to review them and get back to me. He wants to see if he will be able to get parts, and support if he needs it. I also am waiting to hear back from a couple places who ARE Juki authorized dealers. I emailed them to see if they were a repair center as well. Neither of them are in Iowa, but in just the next state on the north and east side. Hopefully, I will have SOMEONE who will fix it for me. I feel most confident with the man we talked to on the phone yesterday, but he said it could be the middle of the week before we hear back from him. Either he, or someone who is an authorized Juki repair center with a GOOD reputation. At any rate, I would really like to find someone who can work on it, who I can depend on in the future, since I have TWO Juki TL-98E machines, and also, a couple of my quilting group friends have Juki's too.

The only thing I haven't done is PRAY for this machine, and that just might be what is holding up the healing. Let's bow our heads and pray.........

"The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

(Luke 18:27)


  1. Good luck on this "repair trail".

    Maybe this will be the magic one.


  2. I sure hate to hear about your machine troubles! I hope you can get it fixed without much of a fuss.

    I love your new look on the blog! Very nice!!!

  3. Oh this is just the worst news. =( I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  4. I feel your pain on your Juki Mine machine is in the shop too.
    When the repair man told me my machine was made by Juki for singer .I thought of you.


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