Sunday, August 3, 2008

Unwelcome Guests, and Other Jabbering....

Louie and I have been 'blessed' with some UNWELCOME GUESTS! Now, usually, we are quite happy to have 'company' or have friends drop in, but not this time! We have Cicada Paralyzing Ground Wasps! I noticed them last Sunday when I was just about finished trimming the bush near the corner of our house. I'm very glad they weren't there the weekend we put in our new windows! I'm glad I was snipping with a hand tool rather than an electric 'buzzing' hedge trimmer! Maybe I didn't call my attention to them right away that way. I was able to finish the job before I was scared out of my wits!According to this website, Cicada Killing Ground Wasps really aren't very dangerous to humans, but somehow, they really intimidate Louie and I, so much so, that my sweet husband is almost afraid to go out and mow the lawn! If we wait until they leave, which should be about the second week in August, we'll have the 'City' mowing our lawn FOR us, and sending us a bill, BUT maybe when they see why we haven't mowed, they might back off too. We have tried a few different methods of 'evicting' them, which I won't discuss, or the authoritites may also drop in for an 'unwelcome' visit, then yesterday, Louie bought some wasp and bee killer in a spray can. He went out about midnight last night and used a whole can. He said under the bush looks like it is covered with frosting from a wedding cake. Evidently, the killer stuff in a can foams up and expands. Under our peony bushes, which contradicts their habitation habits, there are three big holes, and during the day, you can see a few wasps 'flying guard' over the area, but today, we have not seen any. HOWEVER, Louie did say he saw another mound of dirt and another entrance hole on the back side of the bushes, so tonight will be another treatment. We also have a couple spots in the front yard, one near the curb by the mailbox, and one along side the driveway. We really haven't seen much going on around those two sites.Yesterday, we rode our Goldwing (old picture of Peony bushes, no wasps!) to Cedar Rapids and went to three second hand stores. We found an old Viking sewing machine in a cabinet, which we removed, so I will have to do some cleaning and testing. I think it will need a new cord, and definately a new(old) foot control, as the backside is exposed, and the foot control now, has the lever on it which you with your leg. This will most likely be an eBay item once it is cleaned and oiled. It is out in our motorcycle trailer until I decide I have the energy to tackle the job.
I also got a few goodies which I will show once I get them in the house and cleaned up for my 'Thrifty Show & Tell', and we stopped and picked up some window well covers, which are still in the bike trailer. We also looked at new front and back doors. Those are next on our list of house projects. I can already see that the window replacements have made quite a significant difference in our light bill. Wha hoo!!! I can't wait to get the new doors in. The hard part will be picking out the design. We already know what kind of doors we want.

Today, I am just kind of being lazy, and enjoying it. The weather is really finicky, as it stormed this morning, then sunny, then raindrops, now kind of breezy and partly sunny.

I hope you are all having a bee*autiful day. I best bee 'buzzing' along now....

"If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and BEE-lieve in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will BEE saved. For it is with your heart that you BEE-lieve and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will BEE saved."

(Romans 10:9-10, 13).


  1. Gosh, I don't blame you or Louie not liking those buzzing baddie bugs. Hopefully the midnight ventures will be able to get rid of them.

    Your new page layout and colors is appealing.

    Have a blessed week.


  2. When we visited my in-laws in Kansas we saw them. They've been battling them for several years. My husband killed a bunch with his tennis racquet! My MIL pours something called Carboral or something down the holes to kill them. They are pretty horrible!

  3. Those wasps ARE scary! I don't like buzzing bugs of any kind! You sure do have the best luck junking. I think that if I found a Viking I would think I had died and gone straight to heaven!!

  4. I can't wait to see all of your goodies! I saw several sewing machines yesterday at the yard sales but they were priced higher than I wanted to pay.

  5. Hi Michelle , they are getting ready for the 400 mile Yard Sale down my way . Lots od dealers though and everything is very expensive .I am wondering how they will do , because the economy is not good around here .
    Thanks for your visit this evening, come again soon .

  6. those bees sound scary. I'd curl up and die...or I'd need to be jabbed with the epi pen. Man, that just sucks!!


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