Friday, August 1, 2008

Friendship Block

I made my block today for a Friendship Quilt being made for a very special person. It's not the original block I was going to make, but I guess templates and I just can NOT see eye to eye. I did like the way this one turned out though.I also sewed with my Juki, which I thought worked, but it does NOT, unless it wants to. Right now, I'm not sure what I will do about it. It is sporatic, with the thread cutter and needle up/down button 'acting up' together. It supposedly has a new circuit board in it, but I'm not so sure. I cannot figure out a pattern to it's workings and not workings. It sews perfectly, so it can be used, but the thread cutter and needle up/down buttons have a mind of their own. I have emailed my friendly Juki friend 'Clive' in New Zealand to see if he has any more suggestions. In the meantime, I am NOT going to think about it anymore.

Have a wonderful weekend. Stay happy and safe. I think I see a motorcycle ride in my future!


I draw a circle, not a heart, around you,

My husband, the one I love,

Because a heart can break, But a circle goes on forever.

Happiness is being married to my best friend.


  1. the block turned out great. It looks almost 3-D. Good luck with your Juki. I know it must be discouraging, but hang in there. I hear such good things about them.

  2. Great block ,it's so frustrating when our machines act up but knowing you ,you'll figure it out .Your so patient with things like that .
    I love your sentiment regarding your hubby isn't it great to have a loving relationship like that .

  3. Michelle, the block turned out great. It just seems to pop off the background.

    enjoy the weekend...whether you go riding or not.


  4. Great block! I have to make mine today. I so hope that you can easily fix your machine after all you've gone though!

  5. I just love your block it's going to look great in the quilt. Have fun on the ride that's in your future you two deserve some fun time.

  6. Love your block Michelle! I think it looks great. Thought of you this weekend with all the motorcyles here for the rally. So many bikes!

  7. Love the block it is really nice! Such a nice time of the year to be riding!

  8. I love your block . Glad you got your ride .

  9. I think your block looks fabulous!!!


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