Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm Getting Excited!

But first............

The doors are out of their frames, and waiting to be picked up and delivered to the body shop for painting today. I chose a very deep maroon, almost a black cherry color for the doors. The gray yucky looking door is the door which will go from Louie's shoppe to the outside. In reality, it actually was the door going from the garage to the shoppe, but we are switching doors, as this one is in much better shape, and not rusty or dented. The back door, is behind the shoppe door, so we will be having three doors painted today. I can't wait!
So without further ado.............I thought we'd wake up our little morning bird, and do a little morning exercise and get our blood flowing.....(I'm the one in the end who is quite 'round' and falls over from exhaustion!)

Have a wonderful, wonderful day, and an even better holiday weekend!


  1. The doors will look great with the new paint having them done that way...they will look better than if hand painted (I think anyway).

    I know you will be glad when all the new doors are in the old doors will have a new location too.


  2. Oh I can't wait to see the doors in place. You two have been doing so many replacements it's been fun to watch. Have a great holiday weekend and remember to take time out for just pure fun.

  3. Don't you just love home improvement projects? Even though they can be a lot of work, it's so rewarding when you can reap all the benefits of your labor. Get it? Labor? on Labor Day weekend? Arent' I just the funniest? haha

  4. Mmmmm the color sounds wonderful ,can't wait to see them on .Enjoy the weekend .

  5. Oh Michelle! I can't wait to see your painted doors!!! Hubby has paint guns, he used to work painting cars, so I am thinking that I will have him to paint ours when we get ready to put them up. Of course they are not as nice as yours but they are the steel doors, one has windows and the other is a steel door with the sidelights in the frame. But the best part....they were FREE!!!!

    I just love watching you remodel!


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