Saturday, August 30, 2008

Door Painting

Next step, installation!


  1. Oh Michelle!!!! They are beautiful!!!! I love the color! I can't wait to see them up! I bet you are soooooooo happy right now! So when are you putting them up??

  2. Oh how pretty! You must be thrilled!

  3. I want them LOL .That color is is so rich and beautiful ,they look awesome .

  4. Wow, they turned out so pretty...will be such an asset to your home.

    Just think by Monday night they should be installed and ready for use. Hooray!

  5. Your doors look amazing! Wish I had someone that "handy" at my house! Oh, I LOVE Josh G.---he's just wonderful. Last night my friend and I saw David Cook (American Idol winner) with the Am Idol Tour. He is from a town near KC. I like him--but he's no Josh! ;-) Thank you for your comment on The Stone Rabbit! Dana


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