Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Door Projects

This is Louie's shoppe door, which leads to the back yard. This door used to hang between the garage and his shoppe, but since it was in better shape, we had this door painted. The old door, which is not in such good shape, for now, will hang where this one used to. We did the old 'switchoo'.Here is our old front door, which was original to the house (1963) and not very energy efficient, since it was hollow. I forgot to take a picture before I took the scheers off of it.Our nephew Travis helped, and we gave him a full workout! Louie's sister also came along to supervise the project.Here is my new front door, fully installed. I spared you all the gory details. Both doors were definately a challenge, and many adjustments had to be made. My sweet Louie stayed pretty sweet through most of it, but this morning, while doing the finishing touches, his tiredness started to show. What a wonderful job done, and one we won't have to worry about again in our lifetime!

Come on in!Now, here's some pictures from the back door we replaced. Again, I was not fast enough with my camera before the destruction began. Here's what it looks like with no doors, and no frames.
There was not only destruction of the old door and frame, but also destruction and reconstruction of the door moldings attached to the new door to make it go into the opening. I won't tell you any more gory details, or you might get scared, but installation was a success! This picture was taken early this afternoon (Sunday) before the trim went back up.
A little window dressing............
...and Ta Da! It is done! All that is left is the the cleanup to be finished. I have discovered already though, with the shiny finish on the doors, there will be a lot more finger print and dust removal required. Oh, the price one pays for beauty! So, other than all the flies in the house, I am one very happy girl! Thanks for stopping by!

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23


  1. Mission is complete...Louie is tired and you are happy with the outcome.

    Hip Hip Hurray!


  2. They look fantstic. And, another great home improvement project is done. OK now that the dust has settled what is the next project or is this IT?

  3. Your doors look wonderful!!!! I just love that color!!! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  4. They are done and turned out beautiful just as I knew they would . Poor Louie must be exhausted ,door are always such finicky things to put on ,thank god he is such a patient man .

  5. Aren't the doors lovely to look at from the inside of the house when they're opened? Much prettier than boring white. Hmmm...I wonder what color would look good in my house?

  6. The doors look fantastic ! Louie did a great job ! I know you are pround of them and him !
    Thanks for stopping by my blog !


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