Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Pretties For The 'Ladies Room'

Last week when I was out 'junkin', I found a couple new treasures. The minute I saw them, I thought I would want to put them in the 'Ladies Room' (main floor restroom overtaken by the female of the house....ME!) I did not find these at a thrift store, but rather a antique/not antique shop. I think I will be going back there. =-) This picture shows part of the hallway right outside the 'Ladies Room' and the door going into it. The angel is a door knocker.
These are the plates I found. The back is marked 'Formalities' by Baum Brothers. I added the ribbon to them. The round plate actually had a maroon ribbon tied in the same fashion, but the platter did not. I have done some looking on the internet, and it appears that the plates came like that new. I really like them, and hope I can find some more like them.Here is the little corner I hung them in, right inside the 'Ladies Room' to the left. The sink is immediately to the right of the towel hanging on the wall, and under the kleenex box hanging on the wall is an angel made from a Heritage Lace napkin. Her halo is made from a starched doily, which is how I attached her to the wall.Thanks for looking at my new pretties!

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
II Corinthians 9:8


  1. Love your goodies!!! Your home is so beautiful! I think I could look at it for days! Very pretty!!!!

  2. These plates add to the wonderfulness of the have such a good eye for what will compliment the existing items.


  3. You've been at it again ,well done everything looks great .

  4. Your room looks so feminine and pretty! You really have a gift for decorating.


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