Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dancin' Fools, We Are!

Louie and I decided to go Christmas 'Disco Dancin'. To see our performance, click HERE. While you are there, maybe you would like to dance too. Up to five of you can dance, so have fun, then let me know, so I can see you dance too! (Gee, I wish I looked this slim in REAL LIFE)
Let them give praise to his name in the dance: let them make melody to him with instruments of brass and corded instruments of music. Psalm 149:3


  1. You guys have those dance moves down just perfect...so cute.

    May you receive many blessings today!

  2. Isn't this fun? My boss and I did this last year and send it out to the faculty.

    Your dancing is pretty fine there. It would be hard to top.

  3. May not be your style of music but you and Louie got the disco down pat! Love it!

  4. Very Funny, I love it ! Green is so your color !!

  5. To cute LOL
    Michelle I can't post for some reason on the old blog so I stared a new one ,drop in

  6. I love the disco dance...isn't that just the most fun? Did you see ours? I am actually going to be in Bloomington and Lincoln, IL.
    Thanks for stopping by.



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