Friday, December 12, 2008

Count Your Blessings!

I was reading my blogs this morning, and when I read my friend Marlene's blog, I immediately started singing in my head, 'Count Your Blessings'. Marlene, your post couldn't be more true. Most of us have more than enough, yet we still grumble. Thank you for such a humbling reminder. I feel so blessed, (most days) not only in material possessions, but more importantly, in the people God places in my life. With me, my most treasured possessions are my friends. Some of you know that because of situations I can't control, I don't have much family. The ones I do have, I treasure more than all the gold in the world, but God knew I needed a bigger family, so He blessed me with friends. Oh, Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful friends you have sent to me. You sure know how to pick them! Just recently, the Lord worked through this same wonderful friend, Marlene, to hook me up with another friend, Lori, who I was blessed to meet, face to face, along with her husband, Dan. Thank you Lord. I continually 'see what you have done', and I PRAISE you.

Count your Blessings
Words by Johnson Oatman jr, 1897

When upon life's billows
You are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged,
Thinking all is lost
Count your many blessings,
Name them one by one
And it will suprise you
What the Lord has done,

Count your blessings,
Name them one by one
Count your blessings,
See what God has done
Count your blessings,
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings,
See what God has done.

Are you ever burdened
With a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy
You are called to bear?
Count your many blessings,
Ev'ry doubt will fly
And you will be singing
As the days go by.

When you look at others

With their lands and gold
Think that Christ has promised
You His wealth untold
Count your many blessings,
Money cannot buy
Your reward in heaven,
Nor your home on high.

So, amid the conflict,

Whether great or small
Do not be discouraged,
God is over all
Count your many blessings,
Angels will attend
Help and comfort give you
To your journey's end.

I am so excited today. My brother Jack, sister Nancy, friends, Christie and Pat, and Louie and I are going to a Gaither Homecoming Lovin' Life concert tonight at the Iwireless Center in Moline. We have been to these concerts a number of times, and they are just wonderful. We feel so blessed to be a part of the concerts. Unfortunately, my sisterinlaw Polly won't be joining us, as she has pneumonia. Please pray for Polly, for fast healing.

Polly, we'll miss you tonight. Thank you for sharing your ticket with Nancy, and please, take care of you!


  1. I always enjoy when we sing the song (Count Your blessing) at church. We do have so many things to praise God for in the form of blessings.

    Have fun tonight with everyone at the concert.

    Hugs from Oklahoma

  2. Michelle, have fun at the concert. I can't wait to read your comments. I enjoy the Gaither Vocal Band. You blog is a blessing. Thanks for your friendship.

  3. Sometimes God gives us gifts in the most unlikely ways and with the most unlikely messengers. :) Who would have thought a woman from Arkansas would have helped get two women hundreds of miles away together? Have fun at the concert! blessings, mrlene

  4. Your post touched me tonight I come from a large family but I'm not close to most of them ,their walk in life is not mine .It's a struggle at times but I've been blessed with close friends that fill the void .Thank You for reminding me to count my blessings .

  5. Michelle
    I love that song too !

    Have Fun at the Gaithers. They are one of our favotite groups



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