Friday, December 19, 2008

God Speaking

I have been an 'American Idol' fan, following the seasons from beginning to end ever since I discovered it, which wasn't until about the 2nd or 3rd season. I love watching the auditions, which always make me laugh, and then when it gets more serious, I get into the judges comments, sometimes cursing Simon, but most of the time, he DOES know what he is talking about, and after all, it IS his show, and he IS the 'Man behind the $$$'. Thanks Simon!

In Season 5, there was a young lady named Mandisa, who was just a wonderful singer. She had a great, and funny personality. She made it below the top 10, then was eliminated. I was really sad to see her go, and quite frankly, I believe it was because of her size. She was a rather large lady, but being a large lady myself, I felt for her, because I just didn't think that was fair. God loves us, no matter what our size is. But God is good. He found a place for her.

Mandisa has a name in the Christian community, and she is currently involved with Women of Faith, and making a new album, 'Freedom', which is set to realease April 7, 2009. She loves the Lord, and her music reflects it. Just today, I downloaded her Christmas album, 'It's Christmas' and her first full album 'True Beauty' from Itunes.

I found this song on Youtube, and I wanted to share it with you. Don't forget to turn off my player before viewing.

Mandisa, you GO Girl!

Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Hebrews 13:15


  1. Thanks for posting the video. You have no idea how much I needed to hear and see that today!

  2. She does have such a beautiful voice...I saw her on television this past Saturday night.


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