Monday, December 8, 2008

A Juki PS...

I have heard from a few of you by comments and by emails, and I just wanted to add some more information about my Juki. My story is sad, but I do not blame my Juki machine at all. I find fault with Juki 'support'. I don't understand why I am having such trouble with 'Authorized Juki Repair Centers'. I don't understand why none of them know how to use a phone to return calls. I don't understand why when they are left messages, they ignore them. I don't understand why when I leave them emails requesting information, an email, and 'said' information is never returned, and ALWAYS ignored. I was even ignored by an email sent to an 'Authorized Juki Dealer' in which I didn't deal. I was looking for someone to help me. I guess they didn't need my business. They must be prospering. And..... I also don't understand why none of the 'Authorized Repair Centers' have parts on hand. It's a sewing machine, not a car, where there are hundreds of parts. My poor Juki has been DOWN for right at one year right now.

In my poor Juki's defense, I have owned this machine since 2004, it didn't get used until 2005, because I was scared to death of it, (in which two of my dear quilting friends offered to test drive it for me, and I said, 'YES YES YES', and I learned from them) and my quilting frame, and from 2005 to November of 2007, in which it took it's last ride on my quilt frame, it has quilted over 100 quilts. Most of these quilts have been full size or bigger, not just small projects or lap quilts. It has literally done HUNDREDS of hours of quilting. I have shared it with my quilting girls, and even made a few $$$ with it. I love it so much, I have two quilting friends who have the same setup, and with my recommendations, they also bought Jukis. One friend has a TL-98E, and one has a TL-98Q. They both are loving, and using their setups. I also want to make clear that I am not trying to find FREE service, I just want someone to fix it, who CARES, and fix it right. That's all I want. Right now, I have faith in Miami. If I understand correctly, they are THE Juki center for the United States. We feel they are compassionate, and they CARE. I pray my report in a few weeks is nothing but praise.

I'm sorry if I came across that I was disappointed in my machine. I LOVE MY MACHINE! The fact is, I love it so much, I have another one that I bought off ebay, and because I love it so much, I have not used it on the frame, but just a few hours, because I don't want to not have a Juki in excellent condition. I have my second Juki in a table. I use it for free motion quilting. I also bought the second TL-98E, because on my quilting setup, I have the QCC (Quilter's Cruise Control), and the QCC is machine specific. If I had the TL-98Q model, I would have to replace my QCC.

The truth is, I am not lacking for sewing machines. I have more than anyone deserves. I am truly blessed. I do apologize if I made the previous post sound like I was unhappy with my machine. Quite the contrary.


  1. Of course I knew the history of your beloved machine...but I didn't know it wasn't working after the last "repair job".

    Here is hoping the guys in Florida can get it to running in a tip top condition.

  2. I know you love your machine, I just hope that they get it right this time! Such a shame to have such a great machine and have so much trouble getting it fixed.


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