Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh (Crystal) Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Please don't think I am a scrooge, but I really do not decorate a whole lot for Christmas. I decorate more for winter. We don't have much family to celebrate with, and we only buy a few gifts, so with limited space, I don't put up a big tree. I used to have a ceramic tree with the colored plastic tips that glowed when you turned the light bulb on, but it disappeared a few years ago and it has never turned up. This is a mystery I just haven't been able to solve. This year, I found this crystal tree. EVERYTHING on the coffee table came from Goodwill, including the coffee table!Look what I did! Isn't it pretty?
Know how I did it? I took the top off and put one of those CHEAP LED closet, under the counter (run with AA batteries) lights in the bottom, turned it on, and put the top back on! Following Angie's lead, over at The Happy Homebody I looked for some Christmas/Holiday/ Winter/Snowman plates at Goodwill to use for the holiday. I took my pretty plates down for the winter, and put these in it's place. I will keep these plates up all winter, along with all my snowmen things around the house. Thank you, Angie, for an idea I had not thought of. You are making a monster of me, and I love it!I did put a few wreaths outside today, but I'll have to take some pictures when it is light outside.


  1. Love how you've decorated. I don't go overboard either. just a few santa's and wreaths

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. While I enjoy seeing everyone else's Christmas decor, I do not go crazy with it. I used to decorate the master bedroom and all the bathrooms but those days are long past! I do drag out my Christmas bears and prop them up on shelves and tables.
    BTW, the snowman plates you have were my "every day" winter plates for several years. I had the entire set for 8 including all the serving pieces. I gave them to my DIL when I downsized. She better not have given them to the Goodwill!!

  3. You do have lots of Chritmasy items sitting around.

    Loved what you did to the little glass night it just brightenes up the whole area.

    Have a great week!

  4. As we all love to decorate for the holidays, it is not the decorations that are important it is Christ! I love your little tree! And I think that is a wonderful idea! I don't have alot of space here where I am right now so all I have up is the tree! But someday when we get in the house, I have a ton of decorations that I would love to decorate with!!!!

  5. Hi, thanks for the visit to my little cottage , your home looks festive and inviting for the season. I love the idea of hanging the dishes on the wall. I may have to try that one out. I will be back often to visit.

  6. Everything looks so festive. I think we're all getting to the point where less is more. I have a few things up but not much. Love to both of you.


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