Sunday, December 7, 2008


Where do my pins disappear to?
I've picked them all up off the floor.
I placed them all neatly back in the box,
but it looks like there ought to be more.

What became of the needle I had in my hand,
when I picked up the spool to thread it?
It seems to have vanished into thin air,
but that explanation I can't credit.

How did my thimble disappear,
from the basket where it was laid?
I haven't heard it rolling 'round on the floor,
as it did when the cats with it played.
What did I do with that fabric I need?
I just had it an hour ago!!!!!
I put it away, but in what place?
It's somewhere that it doesn't show.

And where is the magazine with the pattern I liked?

It was right on top of that pile,

How could it have sunk so far down,

in such a little while?

I know that book went back on its shelf

And should be with books of its kind.

But I just can't find it, though I've looked five times.

Can it be that I'm going blind?

It's a very good thing that my sewing machine

is something that's too big to hide.

Not being able to find something THAT big,

would really humble my pride!

I don't understand why things I KNOW I had,
disappear when I put them away.
I find it annoying, but I very much fear,
it's a problem that's here to stay.
(Author: unknown)

Now, where did I put my keys?

I need to go to the quilt shop and the book store.

I might as well stop and get some chocolate while I'm out,

Chocolate fixes everything, right?

Any doubts?

(And WHY WHY WHY won't blogspot let me take away spaces between lines that I DON'T WANT there? I don't get it. Can someone help me???????)


1 comment:

  1. it's a blogger thing. it'll sort itself out by next time.

    I no what you mean about losing things. Somehow my purse and car keys always seem to end up in the fridge. It can't be me who puts them there, can it?

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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