Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tolerating Aunt Michelle

Yesterday, Saturday December 6th, was my nephew's 19th birthday. I remember the morning he was born. I was at the hospital 'waiting' for him to be born. His mother,( my sister), Louie and I went to see him yesterday. He lives in another city, and was available to see us. We haven't spent any time with him for a very long time, so it was good to see him.

Even though Louie and I did not have any children, it was nice, but also kind of difficult to see our little boy all grown up and surviving out on his own. (Thank you, Lord!) Louie and I spent a good share of our life involved with him and his mother, so he has a special place in our hearts. It wasn't (isn't) always easy, (as any parenting goes) but we now need to 'let go', give him a chance to spread his wings, pray for him, and place him in God's protective hands. We love you, P!

Here are some pictures I was taking of him while he was trying to eat. He has a pretty good disposition, to put up with an old meddling aunt, wouldn't you say? His mother was pretty tolerating too.
After we had lunch, we went to see the movie 'Four Christmases'. It was GREAT, although, there were a few intense spots that reminded me too much of 'home'. For those of you who 'know' me, you KNOW what I mean.

After the movie, we went 'Goodwill Hunting' for a few hours, took 'P' back home, then went to Menards and bought some necessities, and finally got home about 9 or so. It was a nice day. COLD, but nice.

34A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35

1 comment:

  1. He is a very handsome young man! So nice that you got to spend that precious time with him and your sister. They do grow up so fast, my oldest will be 16 in Feb and it just seems like yesterday that I gave birth to him.


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