Sunday, February 1, 2009


Yesterday, Louie and I went junkin', and since my 'Sissyp00' had the day off, I called her and asked her to spend the day with us. We picked her up on the way, and the first place we went was the Iowa Machine Shed. I had the Smoked Turkey Reuben platter, which included a cup of homemade Chicken & Rice soup, and sweet potoato fries. YUM! I also had iced tea.

I am showing my favorite thrift store find first, because I love it the most. I love it the most, because when I found it, Sissypoo saw how excited I was, and asked me if I would let her buy it for me. Now how could I turn down that down, and deprive her of showing how much she loves me? There was a tag on the bottom which someone had written Cracker Jar. I'm not really sure what it is, but I know that I love it....and it means so much more since my Sissypoo wanted to get it for me. Thank you, Sissy!
I don't know for sure if it will stay here, but for now, it is on my bathroom counter.
A week or so ago, I found this bouquet of pink roses. I had no clue where I would put them, but I knew I wanted them. This week, I found this vase. On the bottom, it reads: A Gift From FTD. I loved the floral design. Again, I had no clue where it would go, just that I wanted it.When I bought it, I hadn't even remembered, or even thought about the pink roses I had just purchased a week or so ago, but look!I also found this little yellow creamer pitcher. On the bottom, it says: Buttercup Federalist Ironstone Made in Japan Dishwasher Safe Oven Proof 4239 1-7. I thought it looked cute sitting next to my other thrift store finds.I also found this old bread box. It was in serious need of cleaning but it cleaned up pretty good. Of course, it was really hard to photograph because of the reflection of the chrome door. What you are looking at in the door is my toaster and a pitcher which sits at the end of the counter to the right of this picture.Now, I can't say I was drawn to these pillows from Pier One for their beauty, but because of all the Mother Of Pearl buttons sewn all around them. I do love my buttons, and thought I could waste a little of my time removing them. I suppose I'll put them in a small jar and save them for little projects or just to look at. There are three different sizes.
I didn't realize until I had the buttons removed that the pillow covers have a zipper in them, and the pillow inserts come out. I don't think I will save the pillow covers, but I may take the zippers out of them before I pitch them, and I definately will keep the pillow inserts. Who knows? I might need them someday.Look at all the buttons! Louie counted them and said there was nearly 390 of them. I also got a few vintage books. One is The New English Bible with Apocyrypha. I am not Catholic, and when I bought the bible, I did not know what Apocrypha even meant, but I bought it mainly because it was a vintage bible. On one of the pages, it reads: The New Testiment First Edition 1961 Second Edition 1970 The Old Testament and Apocrypha First published 1970. If any of you are interested in the Apocrypha, click HERE. It will tell you why Apocrypha is not included in all bibles.
I also got a very nice book called 'Lord, Let Me Love' by Marjorie Holmes. I have several of her other books. She was a wonderful Christian writer, of poems and story. She also was born and raised in Iowa.
The next book is from 1963, about the time I was in Kindergarten. It is a prayer book called 'Dear Father In Heaven'. It teaches children how to pray, and it shows examples of prayers for just about anything that could go wrong. Some examples are 'When I am Angry', 'When I Am Afraid', 'When I Am Selfish', and 'For Those Who Are Unkind To Me'.
The last one is 'People of the Old Testament' Copyright 1964. It tells that the Old Testament is the story of the Hebrew people through many generations. It contains folktales, legends and songs of these people, as well as their history. I wanted to have some of these books because they are vintage, and because I can look things up in them, and for reference.Here are some of the recent books I have collected. There is also a hymn book, 'Hymns for the Living Church', 'God's Power Through Prayer', a Bible Concorance, and a beautiful little devotional book called 'Breakfast With God'. Thank you for allowing me to show you all of my thrift store finds.
Teach me your Way, O Lord
Lord, Teach me your way of treating others -sinners, children, Pharisees, Pilates and Herods, and also John the Baptist. Teach me your way of eating and drinking, how to act when I'm tired from work and need rest. Teach me compassion for the suffering, the poor, the blind, and the lame. You who shed tears, show me how to live my deepest emotions. Above all, I want to learn how you endured your Cross. Teach me your way of looking at people: the way you glanced at Peter after his denial, the way you touched the heart of the rich young man and the hearts of your disciples.

I would like to meet you as you really are, since you change those who really know you. If only I could hear you speak as when you spoke in the synagogue of Capernaumor on the Mount of Beatitudes! Give me grace to live my life, within and without, the way you lived your life,O Lord.--Pedro Arrupe, SJ


  1. Such treasures from your trips. That is a beauty Sissypo got for you.

  2. You had a great junking trip! I see we like the same kind of treasures. I love the "cracker jar"....the little pitcher. I also have that edition of the English Bible. It was in a big box of religious study books left by someone at Mother's house years ago. Interesting...

  3. Oh wow! You hit the lottery! I love all of your stuff! Those look really nice!

    I also love buttons! I have jars and jars of them! I bought a shoebox full of buttons at an auction for $2. I put them in antique Mason jars and just keep adding to them.

  4. What fabulous finds

    love and hugs Gina xxx


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