Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's All About Attitude!

It's raining again, which means Spring is on it's way!

Showers of Blessings

Each day there are showers of blessings
Sent from the Father above--
For God is a great, lavish giver
And there is no end to His love--

His grace is more than sufficient,
His mercy is boundless and deep--
And His infinite blessings are countless
And all this we're given to keep--

If we but seek God and find Him,
And ask for a bounteous measure--
Of this wholly immeasurable offering
From God's inexhaustible treasure--

For no matter how big man's dreams are,
God's blessings are infinitely more--
For always God's giving is greater
Than what man is aking for.
(From 'Showers of Blessings' by Helen Steiner Rice)

Be blessed,


  1. Yes! Spring is here!!! I noticed this morning that my maple tree in my yard is budding out!!!

  2. Oh we do need rain here...send some of it our way.

    Spring is slowing emerging from winter sleep...I see new flowers and greenery practically every day.

    Have a Godly grand week!

  3. Yep, it's almost here. The daffodils are in full bloom in my "natural habitate" around my huge oak tree in the back yard. Oh, pollen! I love Spring despite the allery!

  4. My floers are just about starting to bloom. Roll on the Spring weather

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. It is suppose to be 80 degrees tomorrow here and then rain coming in on Wed. Spring has sprung, I hope. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours!

  6. We've had 70 and 80 degree weather for several days but...a cold spell and rain is coming tonight and hanging around for 3 or 4 days. Hope it doesn't get our stuff that's already flowering! blessings, marlene

  7. I loveeee you Michelle!! I always smile when I read your post!! Spring is certainly a welcome blessing here!! I am tired of cold



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