Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gone Quilting!

The 'Loose Tensions' quilt group will be at Susan's Calico Creations today. We scheduled our own little quilt retreat at Susan's store. We will each be doing our own version of the Turning Twenty quilt pattern. In my case, I will be Turning Thirty, as I want to make it much bigger, to fit a queen size bed and have it drop low on both sides and the end of the bed. Here are the colors I chose for my quilt. The black fabric at the far right end of the photo, folded up, will be my border fabric....and here are my 'already turned and pinned' block combinations, stacked up, and all ready to sew!
Check back later for retreat photos!

Be blessed!!!!


  1. Oh, how exciting and fun! Love your fabrics that you selected. Can't wait to see how it turns out! I have not made that quilt yet but it is on my LONG list of "want to dos"

  2. I love your color selections!! I have always loved the turning twenty quilt pattern. I cant wait to see yours.


  3. I love this pattern and really like the colors you chose for it. Can't wait to see the finished project.


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