Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quilt Retreat

Saturday, March 14th, our 'Loose Tensions' quilt group traveled to Fulton, Illinois to Susan's Calico Creations for our little quilt retreat.

We had a couple birthdays for March, so Mrs. D made each of them a cake. Patty is a St. Patrick Day baby, so here she is with her cake.Christie's birthday is March 31st. Here she is with Mrs. D, who made her cake.Here are just some snapshots. This is Mrs. D and her daughter Barb.PattyPolly, who I realized I did not get a picture of her quilt. I will have to wait for pictures from the other girls who took pictures. Sorry Polly!
Christie at her machine, and Kate (with her back to us) and Margaret...and Christie laying her blocks out.Here is Jeanne. She had a busy weekend planned, so she was only able to join us for a short timeHere is Leslie. Her black and white quilt which she was working on, is on the design wall behind her. Oh! I guess you can see some of Polly's quilt, and the colors she used. Here is Barb's first finished quilt top. She was working on a second one later on.Here is Mrs. D's laying on the floor waiting to be sewn.Here is Kate's quilt top. A few of the girls did 'Turning Twelve'. Here is Patty's finished Turning Twenty. Here is my finished Turning 'Thirty'. I will show you more in another post and show you where it is going, and what else I plan on doing with it.It was a wonderful fun filled day. We were all pretty pooped by the end of the day. About 9:15pm, Mrs. D and Barb went to a motel for the night, Patty, Polly, Christie and I came home, and Margaret, Leslie and Kate stayed overnight at the quilt shop. Renea was not able to join us, and we missed her.
It was just an awesome day, and Susan was just a wonderful hostess.
Be blessed!!!


  1. Looks like you all had fun...ate...and still got lots of work done.

    sure liked all the pictures...just kind of like I was there too.

  2. It looks like a fun day was had by all that worked on the quilt. Happy fingers and a happy life. The quilt is so pretty.

  3. Thank you for the pictures!!! There were so many beautiful color combination. I love seeing how everyone interprets a pattern.
    I do so love that pattern. I must get it very soon.


  4. Loved all the photos, almost like we were there! Looks like so much fun! Love your quilt! Can't wait to see more of it!

  5. There's not much that's more fun than sewing all day with quilting friends. Looks like you all had a great time and the quilts are so pretty.


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