Saturday, April 25, 2009


All I can say is, WOW.  This movie is made from a real incident that happened in 1928. If you are interested in seeing it, please do yourself a favor and do not read any of the ‘about the movie’ pages on the internet until after you see the movie. It is best to watch this movie with your mind ‘blind’. Knowing too much about the movie, I think, would only spoil it for you.  The movie trailer shows you more than enough for you to decide if this movie is something you would  be interested in seeing. Louie and I both both gave this movie TWO add smiley thumbs up

It’s going to be a rainy weekend here, so if it is in your neighborhood, maybe you should think about cuddling up with a nice quilt, some popcorn, or your favorite comfort food,  and watching a movie. This is a good one.

As for me? I’m spending the day with four of my favorite people in the whole wide world…my sissypoo Nancy, my sisterinlaw Polly, my sweetie Louie, and my brother Jack! Jack’s birthday was yesterday, and we are going out for lunch, then  ‘junkin’ and bummin’!

Here is an OLD picture of Jack and I (with kitties)when we were very young. He still has that sweet face today. Jack has always had a kind, loving spirit, and I love him very much!

Jack and Michelle 001Add_Bear_Essentials_Loving_Care_thumb

Be blessed!


  1. Have fun with your loved ones...being with special people, eating out and then junkin...WOW what a wonderful combination.

  2. enjoy yourself and thanks for the trailer. Tell Jack happy belated birthday, we share the same day!!

  3. It is crazy hot here so I will just envy your rain. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. I've had the movie sitting her for two weeks ,its pooring cats and dogs here to so we will be watching it tonight .Love the picture of you and Jack ,how cute.

  5. Oh how cute! I just love the photo of you and your brother!!! That is really sweet!

    I LOVED that movie! I have it on DVD and I found that when I watched it, it was very hard to walk away from. Such a sad story, it is a shame that the movie did not get better reviews because it is really good!

  6. That's on my list of movies to watch. Hopefully soon. I love the picture of you and Jack. You know me and my love of old sweet.

  7. Michelle, I just wanted to say hi .Love the picture of you and Jack.

  8. Hi Michelle, we had rain here yesterday and suppose to have a little more today. I want to see that movie sometime. You have a wonderful weekend.


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