Saturday, May 2, 2009

Three Dimensional Cathedral Window Quilt Blocks

I found this tutorial on the Quilting On A Budget blog today and I thought I would share it with you. It originated on the Quiltbug website and can be  found by clicking the ‘free stuff’ button, and choosing videos. The video was made by Kris Driessen for Quiltbug. There are other neat quilting videos there as well.

Since my life has been pretty uneventful lately, I’m grabbing at straws here to find something to blog about. I do know that an uneventful life is a blessing from above, so I’m not complaining. I just want you all to know I’m still alive and kickin’!

So, without further ado….

If you want to see the Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson video where Ricky shows how to make a One Seam-Three Dimensional Flying Geese block, click HERE  It’s pretty cool too, if you haven’t seen it already.


Well, that’s all I got. Pathetic, I know.  Happy Quilting!



  1. Yes, not having a problem to post about is a plus...just think of the fun you have had just zipping from one thing to another on the keyboard of the computer.

    Enjoy your blessings - regardless of the form they appear in.

  2. Michelle,The tutorial is very cool to watch. Thank-You for posting

  3. Enjoyed the tutorial .Thanks

  4. Oh Michelle, we love hearing from you no matter what you have to post about! :)

    I love those videos! I do think I will try those Catherdral Windows! I started making those before but not that way! This way seems a lot easier.

  5. It is always good to see your blog no matter what you talk about. The video is very interesting. I did a bow tie simular to that one time. I might try this sometime. That would be good for a small project like a purse.

  6. I had missed the flying geese but watched the video and I will be trying those also. Thanks for the links.

  7. I love that website! Thanks for sharing.



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