Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Feel Good Day!

Our day started out with me spending quite a few hours in Louie’s shoppe working on his computer doing updates of all kinds, while Louie changed the spark plugs and oil, and installed a belly panbelly pan 

on our motorcycle. After that, it was about 1pm, and we decided to go on a ride!

Here we are, getting ready to go.

may 3 001  may 3 002 may 3 003

We ended up going for a 140+ mile ride, and it was wonderful! We rode from Maquoketa Iowa, to Sabula, then crossed the river into Savanna Illinois,  rode over to Fulton, crossed the river back to the Iowa side in Clinton, then stopped at Taco Bell for some lunch. Goodwill was right up the road, so we stopped there for a few minutes and you won’t believe what I came out with…. 2 more pillow shams! Ok, I swear, if I ever figure out something else to do with pillow shams besides cover up sewing machines, I’ll be set!

We got back on the bike, and discussed the fact that we needed to go home to clean out the garage and Louie’s shoppe, but we really did not want to go ‘directly’ home, so we rode across the new road that takes you past the new ‘Wild Rose Casino’ just on the edge of Clinton. Louie asked ‘which way?’ and I said, ‘Oh, straight’. So we rode into Camanche, down to the main drag (old hwy 67), then headed out hwy 67 towards Folletts. We stayed on hwy 67, and rode along the river into LeClaire, then Bettendorf, Davenport, then got off on the ‘Blackhawk Trail’, which takes you into Parkview. Parkview had an apartment building that burned on Saturday afternoon, so we rode by there to take a look, then back onto old hwy 61, and rode on into DeWitt. Our ‘putty butt’s needed a break, so we stopped at the park for a little bit and walked around the park.

DeWitt has a new building in their park called a Hausbarn. Here is a couple pictures of the roof. I didn’t take my camera, so I had to borrow these pictures from a newpaper story.  Click HERE to read the story of the Hausbarn.

roof 2

 barn roof 

When we got home, I started cleaning the garage. We took boxes and garbage from Louie’s shoppe out to where he works, and had us a little ‘fire’ in two burning barrels. When the flames calmed down, we came back home, and I swept the garage out.

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may 3 008

Then I cleaned out my van and swept it out. Please don’t look too close at my floormat. I really need some new ones, as these are really hard to keep clean, but since my shoes from work are dirty, these work good for me. On the weekends, I try to take them out and put a couple nice plushy rugs in their place.

may 3 010

may 3 011

Next, I moved on to Louie’s shop, and took my lambs wool duster with me to dust the surfaces of everything. Louie pretty much had everything picked up and put away, but I still needed to sweep the floor and vacuum the dust off, and out from everything. I’ll never get it all, but it looks better.

may 3 013

may 3 012

may 3 014 

Ok, it’s almost 11pm, it’s past my bedtime, and I’m tired. My alarm clock will be going off at 4:30am for work, so I better get moving toward bed. I am truly thankful, and feel so blessed to still be working.

You all have a wonderful week, and be blessed!



  1. The ride sounds beautiful nothing like the wind in you face ,hair blowing ( Oh no you have to wear a helmet now don't you ) Shows how long it has been since I was on a bike .
    Ok you did a great job cleaning up if you hire out I have some jobs for you .Tomorrow is rug cleaning day would you care to visit .

  2. Sounds like you and Louie had a nice weekend! I had to laugh at you for buying more Shams! :)

    I love the article on the thatched roof! I just love stuff like that!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. What a beautiful day for a ride! Ours is still in the garage in peices or we might have been out as well.
    Pillow shams make grat tote bags too!

  4. Got the bike out and went for a long ride...warm weather is definitely here then.

    The garage looks so neat and organized - far cry from ours right now...we needs some good weather so we can pull stuff out and do some serious blowing of the cob webs, saw dust (that is behind the deep freezes, etc. Oh well, we will do it soon.

    Enjoy your week...

  5. I'm so happy the weather is nice for you and Louie to "take to the road"! I love hearing about your trips as I feel as though I'm with you. Girl, you have lots of energy and I'm so happy you are feeling better. I'm sure getting out on the road and taking in God's beauty is more than a "Spring Tonic"....

  6. What a great day you had Michelle! I wish I had you here to work in Jerry's garage! blessings, marlene

  7. Sounds like a great ride! Sometimes the impromtu ones are the best! We're looking forward to a long bike trip starting this Friday. We're going to Arkansas - so pray for good weather for us!


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