Sunday, June 28, 2009

…In the Toilet

Hi.  Louie and I are part time plumbers (because we have to be), and today, we each took a turn at fixing our ‘terlet’ as Louie’s calls it.  Our toilet is a Sloan Flushmate  toilet. We have had it for a little over 9 years, and it has ‘served’ us well.

As you can see,on my messy counter, I have a bag which has two ‘not so good’ flush handles (might have to click and enlarge picture to see). One broke right after we bought it, because the part that connects to the handle, and also goes through the wall of the side of the tank was plastic, and well, it just wasn’t designed well for an air pressurized water tank, so we got a replacement.003

We must have ordered two, because I installed a new one this morning. The toilet wasn’t flushing like it usually flushes. It seemed kind of weak and tired, so I investigated. Actually, the handle has been in pretty bad shape for quite awhile. I don’t know why we put this off so long. Yes I do. Plumbers always take a long time getting things done (sorry if there are any plumbers, or wives of plumbers reading thing…this also applies for mechanics as well…as I am the wife of one).

So I decided that this is the day that I finally investigate our problem. This is the new handle attached.


I don’t have a tank full of water, I have an air tank half full of water, and the other half full of air.009

Another problem we had, was that the nut that held the handle to the side of the tank was metal.  It was not staying tight, and that was probably the reason the old handle finally gave out. I replaced the handle, and replaced the metal nut it with a plastic one, so I could get it tighter and it would stay tight. (Note white plastic nut on side of tank.) Another problem, was the makeshift clip (piece of wire hanger) that holds the two metal rods together. The original clip didn’t last very long, and I have been making my own clips since. Plastic wire ties didn’t work, as they broke quickly, so for the last several years, a piece of coat hanger bent in a circle has served it’s purpose.

The way the Flushmate works, is you push down on the flush handle, just like any other normal toilet handle. The bent metal rod on the inside of the tank, that is part of the handle, pulls the rod that is clamped to the top of the air tank UP, which then pushes DOWN on the white plunger located in the center of the tank. (Click HERE to see how it works, and click HERE to see a real one in action.There are neat little videos on this website to watch if you so choose.) When the plunger is pushed down, the air pushes the water into the bowl at a high rate, and carries the waste farther down the sewer line than regular gravity toilets.

Anyway, I took off the piece of wire hanger, and in it’s place, threaded a small key ring loop through the hole in each rod to connect them. One ring worked fantastic, so two must work better, right?


After the handle was fixed, it didn’t seem to flush any better, and still sounded weak, so I got out our handy dandy Owner’s Service Manual, called for my plumbing partner, Louie, and passed the baton to him.


See where the yellow tag on the hose is? Follow the hose over just past the hose clamp. See where there is a little white circle. That’s lime on top of the Air Inducer. When you flush the toilet, you should hear air being sucked down into the tank through the opening of the air inducer. The air inducer was plugged. Thanks to the invention of toothpicks, the air inducer is now clear, open, not plugged, and it SUCKS AIR!


My old toilet works like a new one now.018


My toilet is happy, so am I, and we didn’t spend any money. How much better could things be?  I might just see if the Flushmate company will send me a couple new clips, just in case my  key rings don’t hold out.

(We actually have a new model of the Flushmate in our basement bathroom, and it has been maintenance free from the day we installed it.)

Boy, I bet you didn’t think you’d be reading about toilets in blog land today, did you? Thanks for humoring me and staying with me. I love ya!

Be blessed,




  1. Michelle,

    You and Louie fall into the same bracket as us when it comes to repair work. By using what ever you have on hand that will work - just saves money - anyway you look at it.

    My sweet honey strips down all items once they reach the point of no return. These are then saved in some what of an organized system. Living out in the country adds to the fact it is costly as well as time consuming to have to drive into town for a simple screw or nut and whatcha-ma-callit thingabob to fix something.

    With all that money saved you can buy gas and go "junkin".

    Have a fun week.

  2. my hubby is a mechanic (car) and does keep our cars in excellent running order as long as I tell him when I have a problem with my car. I tend to forget by the time he gets home!

  3. There's not much you two can't tackle together and succeed at . Can you just imagine what a plumber would have charged to do that job .Good for you .

  4. Mal's pretty handy and never knows when to quit. he tends to use what's to hand or go to my father who modifies some thing for him.
    Mal's a train mechanic but is paranoid about our cars. The slightest weird noise and he'll strip the thing. I'm afraid to tell him when I think there's something wrong as I know the car will be in bits by the time I've finished the conversation. LOL

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. I never thought a toilet could be so intersting!! I love your blog you find the most interesting things to blog about!! Hugzzz

  6. Just thought I'd let you know I did start a blog!Only 1 meesly post but more to follow with pics!!


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