Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Come Monday….

…this will all be gone.driveway and fire 001

driveway and fire 002

Goodbye crumbling driveway!drive crumble 1

driveway crumble 2

driveway crumble 3

Notice how the end of the driveway is about 6” BELOW the street?

driveway and fire 004

And the curb is all broken? This is a swimming pool and ice rink when the snow melts and refreezes in the winter time. We have to be careful with the motorcycle to not ‘bottom out’.  There’s no ‘screaming into the driveway’ with vehicles at our house…not if you want any of your vehicle left when you are done.

driveway and fire 005

driveway and fire 006

driveway and fire 007

…and within a few days, replaced with NEW!!!

I’ll be in the front row taking pictures. We already warned the work crew.


Be blessed,




  1. Yay - a change in the drive way...won't you really be happy next winter and not have to worry about the ice collection there.

    Yes, we want to see the pictures.

  2. That will be great to know you don't have that hump to go over with your bike and the water & ice will be gone. It wouldn't feel to good to lay down with your bike in that spot. I like improvements, but not what it does to the pocketbook, and looking forward to the pictures.


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