Monday, July 13, 2009

Driveway—What A Difference A Day Makes!

The contractors arrived this morning at 7am. I had already been at work for an hour by then, but Louie was still here. When he came home at noon, this is how it looked.               001



004                                    The contractors were back from lunch by 12:30, and Louie got one last picture of them working before he went back to work.MVC-001F                               When I got home at 4:40pm, they were just driving away. This is how it looks now.  All of the driveway has been poured, and the curb has been torn out. It is now up to the city to fill in that space with cement. The contractors will be back in the morning to remove the forms and spray down the concrete, and they will be all done.006








Louie and I couldn’t be more pleased.

…and before you go….this computer generated commercial was just too cute not to pass on. I love it. It makes me smile and giggle.

Be blessed!

Add_Bear_Essentials_Loving_Care_thumb Add Michelle Motorcycle Bear[2]


  1. It's wonderful Michelle - how long do you think it will take the city to do their part? blessings, marlene

  2. Question - did you write your initials in the wet concrete?

    It looks great!

  3. Looks like you have a huge driveway now! Looks Great!!

  4. Your driveway looks terrific. Plenty of room for your quilting club to park! Yeah, did you and Louie draw an heart with a plus sign and your know like carving on a tree? :)

  5. Looks great ,lots of room now for the car and the bike .I agree with the others you really must put your initials and the year .

  6. Not just your initials, heart, and date but your handprints, too! You don't get a chance like this to play in wet cement every day, you know!


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