Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Cement

Louie and I went away for a few days, and it’s probably a good thing, as it rained pretty much all week. I think we would have been pretty disappointed to be sitting home and watching no progress on the driveway. We left on Wednesday morning, when the first section was supposed to be poured, and needless to say, it didn’t happen. We called a friend on Wednesday evening, and he confirmed…’No driveway’.

We called Louie’s sister early Thursday afternoon, and she checked to see if cement had been poured, and we were happy when she confirmed, that yes, the first section had been poured, and the second section was ready for cement. (…and I bet the workers were thrilled to finally do their job without an audience!)

Friday, it poured rain most of the day, so here it is Saturday morning, and this is still how it looks. We LOVE how nice it looks. Just what they have done, makes a huge difference. WOW! The width from the edge of the driveway to up against the house and  porch, just looks HUGE to us. We are really happy with how it is turning out.

Click on the pictures for a better view.028024 025                                  Louie and I are quite impressed with the amount of rebar they are using. Louie says it is about 2’ square. Our old driveway really never cracked, it just crumbled, but there was virtually no rebar in it. We only saw a couple chunks of old cement with rebar, and it looked like maybe an old car starter was thrown in the mix too!026 027 029 030 031 032

Thanks for putting up with more driveway photos. I must warn you though…there will be more!

Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Add_Bear_Essentials_Loving_Care_thumb Add Michelle Motorcycle Bear[2]


  1. Looks great...when will the rest be poured?

    How long will it take to be seasoned enough to drive on?

  2. Looks great ,it does make everything look so big and new .Hope the rain stops and they can get it finished soon .

  3. It looks wonderful and I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. Sometimes not being there to watch and wonder and possibly fret is the best thing, I'm glad you were able to get away for a little while.

  4. Looks great. Anything we do at my house I am proud so I look forward to more pics.

  5. The driveway looks great. Hope you got to go somehwere fun & relaxing.


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