Saturday, September 12, 2009

If You Set It Up, They Will Come!

This was early this morning…001                         .then later, it was filled with friends.               005006                                 We had three birthdays to celebrate, and the gift table went from this…                               002                                       …to this.004                                                   Patty made an apron out of a pillow sham. What do you think? I think it turned out really cute!  003                                                     Remember my strips?  They started out as this….     015                                                       …and ended up like this. I’m not finished yet. This is only as far as I got before I needed to quit for the day.      008                           My brother Jack came with his wife Polly today when she came for quilting, so Louie and Jack went junkin’.  I made out pretty good for not going myself today. Louie and Jack each bought me something.  Jack bought me a wagon….010                               …and Louie bought me an Isabel Bloom figurine. I haven’t figured out the name of it yet, because it has to be retired, but I’m still looking.  She stands over 16” tall.          

009                                               After quilting, Jack, Polly, Louie and I, and our friends Christie and Pat went to a Gaither Vocal Band concert. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!! The group consists of, from left to right, Wes Hampton, Michael English, Bill Gaither, David Phelps, and Mark Lowry. Michael, David and Mark were all previous members of the group, then went out on their own, and now they are back. They are all incredible. If you ever get a chance, you NEED to go see them. Gaither vocal band                               This video is actually done by the Gaither Vocal Band and Signature Sound, together, and the picture above is the brand new 5 member Gaither Vocal Band, just reformed in January of this year. Can I just say, WOW?  WOW!!!  What an evening of joy, inspiration, and blessings.

I had a wonderful day. I woke up this morning, and before long, was sharing my day with friends I love, then I enjoyed an evening of praise and worship, with friends and the family I love. My day couldn’t have been better. 

I hope your day was as wonderful. I also hope your Sunday is just as blessed.


Be blessed,



  1. What a great day spent with friends.

    I love the little wagon by the way

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. Looks like it was a friend filled, fun filled day. Your quilt is coming along great. I can't wait to see it when you have it all quilted!!

  3. What a wonderful day you you were gloriously tired at the end of the day.

    Rest up today - you will need it for the up coming week.

  4. Looks like so much fun was had ,how lucky you are to have such a wonderful space for quilting .Love the little wagon and your quilt .


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