Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quilting Begins Today!

Our first get together after our summer break starts today. I did the setup yesterday, instead of this morning, just before everyone gets here, and I ended up moving some things around on the wall, moving stuff on the bookshelves around, and moving and removing some other things that were in the living area. I filled more suitcases with fabric I had accumulated, and made the place look more organized again. It sure doesn’t take long to mess things up!

Here, another banquet table is placed across the end of the two 8’ banquet tables to extend the space. I do this, just for when the quilters come.005                          The pool table is covered up with a sheet, then a sheet of plywood, another sheet, and then a big cutting mat. A cutting table is pushed up against the end of the pool table. 004                                A table for birthday gifts, and snacks is set up against the right wall, clear at the end, and two ironing boards are set up along the rest of the  wall.                                      001                                 Since I removed a bunch of stuff out of the living room, I pushed my Janome table over against the end of the short wall, so I will actually be sewing in the living area, but facing the quilters.  011                     002                                     I rearranged my two oak bookcases again, so the bottom two shelves on each bookcase held books or magazines, and both shelves kind of matched, holding ‘like’ items to be ‘balanced’. (I can’t help it…that’s just me.)   007                                008                                                      I did a bunch of rearranging on these two bookcases also, to tidy them up…..                                   009                                                    …and I filled my new (old) bookcase finally. The flower vase on the right, on top of the bookcase will go back in the center of the two banquet tables when I clean things up and put everything back in place.          010                                                       This is where I rolled my sewing machine, just for today.  When we are finished, I will roll it back in place, against the back door. I like it there, but with it here, I will be able to watch the girls and visit with them as they work on their projects.

This sewing machine cabinet, and suitcases of fabric and music cd’s, are in my living area, by the back door.                                           012                                                   I’m excited to have the girls coming back. I haven’t seen most of them since May, and a couple, not since April. I know we will have a lot of catching up to do!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Add_Bear_Essentials_Loving_Care_thumb                                                      Be blessed,




  1. I hope you have a great day.
    the room looks fabulous. Just right for lots of sewing

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. What a lovely and inviting sewing space you've created! It makes me wish that I could bring my project, sit right down at that big table, and get to know everyone. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Laughter will abound today - enjoy!

  4. How wonderful that you have so much space for you and your friends to gather. Have a wonderful time!!

  5. Michelle I'm so envious of your space where you have room for everyone! What a blessing that is to have. But more than that you are so welcoming and that makes all the difference. As a stitcher it makes a world of difference to know that the place I'm going is a place where I'm loved. I wish I were close enough to be part of your group. blessings, marlene

  6. Everything looks fantastic ,have fun nothing like good friends sewing together .


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