Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stacked Coin Quilt Complete

I kicked Louie out of the house today after I asked him to help me bring my quilting frame pieces downstairs. I told him I wanted to get my quilt quilted. He obliged me by going golfing with his cousin. By the time he returned, the quilt was complete, and the basement was cleaned up. Now he just has to drag it all back up out of the basement and put it away back in the garage.

I started quilting, and right away, I started having trouble with breaking the top thread. After two or three episodes of that, I decided to check under the throat plate to see how linty it was. (Why did I wait so long? Who knows?)019 Yep, it was linty. After I cleaned it out, it worked just fine. 020 I had a few more episodes after that, but I found I was breaking thread on thick seams, so I tried to dance around them, or cross the lines with caution, and all went pretty well. 022 023 In a few hours, the quilt was off the frame, and the binding was sewn on, front and back. Yes, I was too lazy to hand stitch down the binding. I used the same fabric for the binding as I did the for the backing and outer border, so it is about impossible to see.026 025 030

Hmmmm, what will my next project be? Maybe that blue and green stacked coin quilt?


Be blessed and have a great week!



  1. That quilt turned out great ,I just love the colors and the quilting you've done in it .
    I visited Granny's site isn't she just the cutest little lady ,what a dear women .bless her heart .

  2. Very pretty...loved the color combination...sometimes it is great to just be alone to get work done....not that we don't love our hubbies - but sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder as the old expression says.

    Enjoy the week...God is sending blessings - just be ready and acknowledge them.

  3. Beautiful quilt and quilting! Isn't it amazing how much we can get done with the hubby away! I'm finding that out this week too. Good luck with your next project!

  4. Love the quilt.

    Glad to see that Loie is wise enough to get out of your way when you are quilting

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. Michelle, I love the quilt!!! You are very talented. It is beautiful! Thank you for putting the Granny button on. Watch for my give away announcement tomorrow! I am excited.

  6. You just keep making the most beautiful quilts. I love all of them.

  7. Very good quilting on that beautiful quilt. I contacted my phone company about your mail returning and they say your Isp has me blocked from sending you mail.

  8. Very nice! I just love the fabrics that you chose! I also love the quilting that you did, your loops look so smooth!

    Have a wonderful day!


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