Friday, October 2, 2009

Break(ing and)Dancing

This morning, as I was putting away dishes from the dishwasher, I had all my dishes to be put in the cupboard, sitting on the counter. My bowls were sitting in a stack, and I was standing at the counter behind this one, putting away my flatware (knives, spoons, forks)in the drawer, and I heard what I thought sounded like something small, (like a button) falling on the floor. I looked inside the drawer and didn’t see anything, and I looked on the floor. Still couldn’t find anything. I shrugged, and my thought was, ‘Whatever it was, I’ll figure it out later, and say, Oh, that was what I heard!’  Well, later wasn’t long, because I turned around to grab the stack of bowls and I found that this bowl, had broken, and was sitting broken, inside another bowl. I have used Corelle ware for many many years, and have never broken a piece, although, I have heard, that if you drop a piece, and it DOES break, (rarely), it will shatter. I have also heard, that there have been law suits due to a piece breaking. (With hot food in it, causing an injury?)

How odd this was. The bowl must have just had a long life, and was tired and stressed. It was just sitting inside another bowl, and POP! I have more, and I know where to get more….(CAN you all say it with me?…..)  Goodwill!                                              001

Ok, I know I am late, but I usually am. Last Friday, my husband came home from work, and showed me this video. On Saturday, this video was being shown on the NBC Saturday morning show. Since then, it has shown up in emails and on Facebook. This little guy sure is cute, and I love his energy and stamina. If I could, I’d grab him and give him a big hug and plaster kisses all over him.


Be blessed, and have a wonderful weekend!




  1. Odd about that bowl...can't blame it on Louie though...he will be glad to hear that.

    Have fun in your running around this weekend.

  2. That was cute ,what a sweet little guy .I'm still smiling .
    Sorry you Corelle bowl broke but I still love their dishes .There well worth the extra price .

  3. I love Corelle! I have had the same 2 sets for years! I have broken a plate and they DO shatter!!! Actually Hunter was eating in the living room, go up and stumbled, dropped the plate on the stone of the hearth and it SHATTERED! But they do last for years!

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. That bowl is amazing. I had a glass do that not too long ago. Strange. That video is just darling. Made me smile.

  5. My favorite and largest bowl (3 gallons) sits on top my refrigerator, and last time I took it off to use it it had a hairline crack that goes all the way through. I think that the phantom got it, I thought he moved out with my kids, but I guess he is back. Like you said, I guess it was just tired and stressed.

  6. I saw mention of your site on Kristie's blog. Great video of the future dancing star. I also like your stacked coins quilt. Very nicely done.


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