Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Treasures And A New Project

One of my ‘new’ (old) treasures this weekend was this jar, minus the lid. I don’t know if it is a cookie jar, or what kind of jar it is. It has no name on the bottom, but it is heavy.  I was on the lookout for something to put my big utensils in, as my drawer just is not working, and there it was, waiting for me. I love the color, thought it was just perfect for what I needed, and I think it goes well with my other heavy green teapot.001                                                  Last week when I was junkin’, I saw this piece of fabric, but it was not marked. There is probably 4 yards of this, and I left it, because I had seen another piece in the past, of this length, and it was priced way too high for Goodwill, and I thought this probably would be too. When it was still there this week, I decided to ask to have it priced.  Can you believe it? 88 cents. Woo hoo!                                 003                                       I have been collecting vintage sheets for awhile for a couple of quilt projects, and found a few more sheets. Actually, the top one is a cloth shower curtain. If things go as planned, it will be a back for a quilt.                               002                                      I have also been on the lookout for another bookshelf to put down in my quilting area. When I saw this one, I decided it was just perfect. It is all solid wood, and HEAVY. So far, we have only hauled it downstairs. I have not filled or organized it yet. $15.38. I think it has been around for many years. 005 006                                                    Louie thinks it was made at the Men’s Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison, Iowa. Could the back be made out of the lid to a wooden shipping box? Those boys know how to recycle, repurpose, and reuse!                               004 FortMadisonPrison                                   So enough about treasures, and  onto my new project! These strips were cut from vintage sheets I have been collecting. 007                 010                                                   My basement sure gets messy when I sew!                 011                                   Have I told you lately that I love my Janome 6600? I have unplugged the foot control and have been using the Start/Stop button. I love that feature, along with the thread cutting button, and knee pressure foot lift.018                                                       I can’t tell you, or show you any more. Our quilt group gets back together on Saturday, and I hope to have more done, and maybe even something worthwhile to show.  A few of the quilting girls read my blog, so I will reveal more after Saturday. 

It did feel good to be ‘quilty’ productive, and I like how things are working out. I have not sat down and had me a serious sew for quite a few months now.

So now I have a thought provoking question: People talk about accurate 1/4” seams. My thoughts are, if you use a 1/4” foot, and you cut your pattern the way it says, and you use the same machine throughout the entire project, is the accuracy of that 1/4” seam REALLY that big of a deal?

Have a wonderful week, and be blessed!




  1. Great treasures as alwats.

    I like thefabrics you are using for your new quilt

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. Wonderful finds on your junkin trip.

    Cooler weather will mean more sewing - or least for me...and I am sure ready for that.

  3. I use to watch Simply Quilts and she would have Mary Ellen Hopkins on. She always said that it was your 1/4 inch-just maintain it. She was very freeing in her attitude about making quilts. Quilts that were made to be used. :-)
    Just remember that if you don't have a 1/4" you can run out of fabric-if you are following a pattern and bought just enough fabric. If you are making it scrappy - who cares!
    My feeling is I quilt for "fun" when it's not fun anymore then it's time to quit. If I'm that anal about my 1/4"-it's probably time to quit.
    Just my 2 cents.
    By the way, I love your "finds"!

  4. Michelle you sure find good stuff at your Goodwill. The Goodwill we have here isn't nearly as good - or maybe I just don't shop often enough. I sent you a message on Facebook but thank you again for my wonderful gifts. You are too sweet to do that but I love every one! They will remind me of you every time I see them. blessings, marlene

  5. I'm with Karen on the 1/4" seams. We do this for fun. You should see a lap quilt I quilted this week, but I just love it. It is a mess. I tried to follow small blocks for a practice. I shouldn't have used one with quilt shop fabric in it. Oh well! it's mine after all.

  6. I love the utensil pot. I have been looking for something like that. When you get tired of it, send it right on over, o.k.? I also agree with the question you asked about the quarter inch. Makes sense to me. I haven't got to sew in such a long time. Life has me on a spinning wheel. I thought I was going to have tomorrow to work around here and hopefully sew this weekend but tomorrow is already booked. Oh well, I am thankful.

  7. I can't wait to see your vintage sheet project. I've seen a few on various blogs and love the idea but don't find much of what I like when thrifting. But, lo and behiold, I found about 8 in some drawers at my dad's house when I was looking for something for him. My mom was the ultimate thriftshopper and had stashed these away for a rainy day. Now I've got a project brewing,too!

  8. What neat treasures and a fun day looking.
    I think that your quarter inch seam theory is true most of the time, but not always. The first lonestar treeskirt I made mine was off a bit and I had a gap about 2 or 3 inches, I wasn't too bothered, I filled it in and added my ruffle, and it was still pretty.
    the next came out a-ok.


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