Saturday, October 10, 2009

Birthday Quilting

My friend Renea and I share October birthdays. Mine is the 11th, and Renea’s is the 16th. Today, the quilting girls and I celebrated Renea’s and my birthday. Mrs. D and Barb provided the cake. It is  was beautiful!                        004                                Was I ever surprised to to see what was in the bag from Mrs. D! I am just so amazed at how she just ‘knows’ me so well. The birthday card on the front says, ‘It’s Unanimous….'                    007                                     We all think you’re the greatest!’027                                      This gift came from Kate. She rolled up fat quarters inside an old quart Ball jar, and added some buttons. What a wonderful gift! 008 028                         Margaret gave me an ‘oh so sweet’ mug and coaster for this winter, and a Clover thread cutter pendant.009029                                             Leslie brought me flowers, and if you click on the picture, you can see the card. It says: With Deepest Sympathy…Another birthday…Love ya, Leslie010                011                                                My sweet friend Renea MADE me one of her special purse inserts!!! What a labor of love! You can’t imagine the hours she spends making these!  It has so many little pockets and places to put things. She said if I didn’t use it for inside a purse, she was going to take it back, I could use it as a traveling quilt gadget organizer. What a clever idea! 012016                                   My friend Patty shared some of her much needed time at home to come by and say hello to the quilting and birthday girls. She normally comes, as she is one of the quilters, but she has been painting some rooms in her home. She brought me some quilt panels of Christmas/winter scenes, some coconut scrub, and some car mirror ‘jewelry’. If you click on the picture, it is attached to the scrub bottle. It is a cross, with some hearts.                                017 018                                   Polly brought me fat quarters, some Skin So Soft lotion, and some button magnets. So cute!                019                                     Barb brought me a big bottle of Mary Ellen’s Best Press, and some ‘sweets’. Oh, it’s just so hard to quilt without chocolate! The front of the card she gave me says: ‘There’s a lady’s room two blocks ahead on the right…’                                020                                                    and the inside says ‘For your birthday, thought you’d like one of those new ‘G-Pee-S’ Systems.  I told her she had no idea just how close to the truth that was!                                               021                                             Jeanne knows how I love fat quarters, so she wrapped my gift in one (and she knows we are all trying to go ‘GREEN’. She gave me a candle, a scented mug coaster, and the NEATEST little Friendship poem. 023 024                                                 My friend Christie finally gave up on me. She has given me beautiful ‘gift baskets’ for the last couple years, and I still have them, just as intact as when she brought them, except for removing the candy! This year, she refused to play my game. I just think they are so pretty, I hate to ‘ruin’ them!  This year, she gave me a CUTE hard handbag, a beautiful quilt pin, and some Christmas fat quarters.025               026                                                   Our exchange fabric was polka dots and these are the neat fabrics we got. Fun! Christie is going to use hers to make a stacked coin/I Spy quilt for her grand daughter.022                                       It felt like Christmas today, and at one point, I couldn’t see the girls over the top of all the gifts. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful, caring, loving friends. They are truly, and definitely a gift from God.

Thank you for letting me share my day with you. OH!… and it even snowed for a little while today, but right now, Louie is mowing the lawn.  What can I say? It’s IOWA!!!!

Be blessed,




  1. Happy Birthday Michelle ,it sounds like you had a great day with wonderful friends .
    Please keep the snow LOL

  2. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday Michelle! Happy Birthday to you and many more! Wow!!!!What a day!! You got such good gifts. I have never seen one of the purse inserts but it is neat.

  3. Dear Friend,

    What a wonderful exciting day you just experienced....did you get any quilting done or just party most of the time.

    Crazy weather for sure...having snow...we had some sunshine...but still in the cool temps...don't think it reached 60 - if it did only for a short time.

    Enjoy tomorrow -

  4. Hppy birthday!!! I hope that you have a wonderful day!!

  5. Happy B-Day ! I absolutely luv the idea of giving faties in a quart jar, I'm gonna borrow that idea for some friends at Christmas !
    luv your blog by the way its always nice to read,

  6. Happy Happy Birthday! You are a doll and you deserve everything you received. I loved seeing and reading about it all.

  7. Happy Birthday Michelle. It looks like you had a great party with your friends

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  8. Happy Birthday, dear Michelle. You are truly blessed to have the love of all your friends.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You certainly deserve all of those wonderful gifts! That was more like Christmas!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE! It sounds like you had a wonderful day.

  11. WOW...great gifts for you but from what I just read on Valerie's blog (where she told us about your wonderful gifts to Granny and her), I would say you MORE than deserve such special treatment!!!

  12. Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great party with great friends!
    Thanks for your wonderful gifts to Granny! She is just overwhelmed at the care and attention she is getting these days!
    You are a very great friend to my daughter, Valerie, and I thank you for that!

  13. Did I tell you that I am excited??? I am. Thank you so much for everything.

  14. I've been reading about your kindness on Val's blog. It's so nice of you to visit me tonight. I see we have many things in common on your profile. I'd like to wish you a belated happy birthday. Hope you have a blessed weekend.

  15. belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY and so you give you'll reap or something like that !


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