Friday, September 30, 2011

The Sewing Machine Song

Here’s a cute little song sung and performed by Betty Hutton in the movie ‘The Perils of Pauline’ from 1947. She doesn’t love her sewing machine like the rest of us do, but it’s a cute song anyway. If you click on the video itself,  you will go to the youtube page and can read comments about it. Interesting. Someone on there says this machine is a Singer model 31-15. Hmmm…I don’t have one of those!

Open-mouthed smile


Be blessed,




  1. Cute, cute, cute. I knew there was a reason I have sewing machines. They keep me out of trouble. Maybe that is why I was given a sewing machine for high school graduation!

  2. Ha Ha!! I love it -how in the world did you find it? I guess I see another machine in your future!!

  3. Love all the machines you have been rescuing! so sorry I have been away,.... it has been crazy.

  4. I hope this post didn't do the same thing to you that it did to me....this song was stuck in my head all morning at work, and I had no way to escape!!!

  5. cute song. we probably wouldn't love our machines if we worked in those conditions.

  6. Cute! I see a picture of the Red Eye hand crank on the blog now. Cute!


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