Saturday, October 1, 2011

Modern Home Deluxe Black

A few weeks ago when Louie and I went junkin’, we brought home three machines. Yes, I said three. This one, this one, and this Modern Home Deluxe sewing machine in black. (Remember, I also have a pink one and a blue one which are very similar.)


I finally got it out to clean and oil and test sew. It’s a fast one…..


…and has a beautiful scrolled end cover plate. It will be displayed in our basement living area near all the other sewing machines. I missed this one on my walk through GW. My husband pointed it out to me, so if we start tripping over sewing machines, it’s HIS fault!!! Winking smileI couldn’t leave it, you know!!! (ok, maybe I could have…..)


It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful, sunny fall day. Looks like a great day for junkin’! Enjoy your weekend, whatever you do!

Be blessed,




  1. The end cover plate is very pretty ,another treasure for sure .

  2. Your husband is an enabler. lol A great machine.

  3. The GW's around here don't get machines very often, then only ones in cabinets. I still seem to find new (old) ones to bring home. Isn't it fun! Good find Louie!


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