Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Singer 301 Short Bed

A few weekends ago, the lady I bought my Pink Necchi from through Craigslist, emailed me and told me she saw a nice Singer 301 at a garage sale she went to. She also gave me the phone number of the lady selling it. I told her thank you, but we didn’t call at that time. A few days later, she emailed and asked if I had called. She said the lady was very nice. The price was fantastic. Of course, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Singer 301 Short Bed 1

We didn’t call until this past weekend. The lady WAS very nice, and we brought the 301 home. She’s a very nice machine!

Singer 301 stitches

Yes, I’m keeping her. In love

Be blessed,



Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out. It will wear well and be remembered long after the prism of politeness or the complexion of courtesy has faded away. When I am gone, I hope it can be said of me that I plucked a thistle and planted a flower wherever I thought a flower would grow. (Unknown author)


  1. This is my favorite vintage machine!

  2. ANOTHER one? OK, I have to ask, how many sewing machines have you rescued, and how many do you own right now? Are they on display? Just curious (and envious!).

  3. I wish I had your luck for running into all these beauties!

  4. Yep, your name is Michelle and you have a fun, but good problem!!!

  5. Oh, be still my heart! You have a wonderful machine. Even though I have two - in different colors, I'm dreaming about a black one!!

  6. Hilarious! :) I love how you love the machines! blessings, marlene

  7. Love that 301. I'm gonna have to try one someday.


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