Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Great Weekend

My weekend was short, as I only had two days off. Yesterday we spent with my brother and sisterinlove in Cedar Rapids junkin’, and today, my Sissypoo Nancy Jo drove up to visit and keep me company as I worked on sewing projects I needed to get done. I gave her one of my quilted bags I made. You can see that she loves it.


First, I made gift bags for the little gifties I am giving the girls from our Loose Tensions Quilt group, then I filled the bags.


Next, I cut out and sewed together a quilted bag for a friend who has a birthday in December. Our quilting day, gift exchange and potluck, and the birthday are both over two weeks away, but time goes fast, and I didn’t want to wait until the last minute. I still have some more sewing to do for Christmas gifts, so I was glad to get these two projects done.


Sissypoo and I couldn’t believe how fast the time went, and before we knew it, it was 8 pm! Now it is past 10:30 pm, and I best get to bed! 4:30 am comes WAY too soon!

Have a great week and a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving everyone!



  1. You were a busy girl. Love the black, white & pink bag. Really pretty. Have a great week!

  2. what great fun...And I always love seeing more of your bags...Happy Thanksgiving to you too !!!


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