Friday, November 22, 2013

Two Front Teeth

Well, technically, two ‘to the right’ of my two front teeth.

Friday Nov 22, 2013

Two weeks ago tomorrow (November 9th), Louie and I went out for supper with my favorite brother and sisterinlove at Breitbach’s in Balltown, but after we drove around to several little towns so he could show us where he plays pool. Right after I ate my supper, I removed my partial to clean it, and when I looked in the napkin, one of the prongs had broken off and was laying in the napkin! Surprised smile I was in shock, but oh, so thankful that it had not broken off while I had been chewing, and especially thankful that I had not swallowed that sharp broken piece. I’m not sure if it would have ‘made it through’ ok or not, if you know what I mean. Embarrassed smile See the sharp ‘hooky’ piece of metal to the right of the partial?


I emailed my dentist with pictures the next morning (Sunday) and asked if it could be repaired, or did I have to get a new one. Within a few hours, I got a reply that it could be repaired. PRAISE THE LORD!!! I hadn’t expected to hear from him until Monday, but he said he does check his email at home. So thankful! He found an appointment for me on Monday afternoon, and I went for impressions. I was to go back the following Monday to pick it up and get it fitted. On the Friday before I was to go get it, I got a phone call saying it would not be back on Monday, but on the following (a week later) Tuesday (November 26th). I have been going ‘without’ my partial for almost two weeks, hiding my smiles behind my hand. I was thrilled to get the call this morning that my partial was back! They found an appointment for me this afternoon, and now I can smile again. Comparing before and after photos, I think they reinforced the whole thing, and made changes to all the prongs, and didn’t just fix the broken one.



It’s easy in life to take the small stuff for granted, but when your teeth break, it is a HUGE deal, and I am reminded of all the blessings I do take for granted! So glad I got them back!

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I've been staying for a couple of days with a friend who had a knee replacement. Her husband died about 3 months ago. I'm going home today when her son comes to stay for a while. This whole situation spurs a long list of things I'm thankful for! blessings, marlene

  2. I've been staying for a couple of days with a friend who had a knee replacement. Her husband died about 3 months ago. I'm going home today when her son comes to stay for a while. This whole situation spurs a long list of things I'm thankful for! blessings, marlene

  3. My mother had a partial on the upper, for years (before full dentures). She was always so funny, and would pull the partial out, and use the pokey prong to pick at her teeth, like a toothpick. This brought back memories of her doing that. Glad you can smile widely again. A pretty smile, and a clean carpet. You are doing well. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy you got your partial back and that you didn't have to have a whole new one made. Have a great weekend!

  5. AMEN to this post...hubby's teeth have had all kind of difficulties and we have spent way TOO much money and I mean way TOO much and still not, we understand ...thankful that mine are healthy!!!


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