Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Who Knew?

Who knew……IMG-20131113-01025

…a brass brush and some ‘elbow grease’ could make my old pizza pan with years of ‘baked on discoloration’ look so good? It didn’t even take that long!



Louie is NOT getting his brush back! Smile


  1. I wish you had a before picture so I would know if it was as bad as mine! Did you use baking soda or something with the brush?

  2. I absolutely cannot use a brass brush. Something about it makes my back teeth hurt...kind of like nails on a blackboard!

  3. I used one of those on old, filthy treadle irons, years ago. With that brush (used very lightly) I found the lovely gold paint on the Singer decals on the irons. When I'd started cleaning them, they were just dull grey irons, not even black anymore. Those irons shine now.


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