Monday, November 18, 2013

No Work~Shampoo Day!

My job is closed today. My bosses and some of my co-workers went on a field trip to the FABTECH Expo in Chicago at McCormick Place . I opted not to go. My Friday, which is usually my day off, or the day I work overtime, will be spent at work, working a full ten hour shift. Sad smile Yuck!

So, I decided to try out my ‘new to me’ Electrolux Epic carpet shampooer I found at Goodwill on Saturday.


The basement carpet has never been shampooed in the 16 years since we bought it new and had it installed. I know. I am ashamed. Embarrassed smile 


I am very happy with how this carpet has held up. I’m sure millions of steps have been taken around this pool table (and the one before this one) in those years, with pool players, and 13 years of giggly quilters meeting once a month, as we use the pool table (with a piece of plywood on top) as a cutting table. The carpet shows absolutely no wear. I guess we chose well when we picked a commercial grade carpet and short pad. I’m sure it being installed on top of cement, where there is no ‘give’ in the floor has helped it wear well too, as there is no stretching.


I’m very pleased with the shampooer, and the carpet. It only took a few hours of my time, and the ‘much dreaded’ job is now finished. It should be dry in a few hours.


  1. Girl, you sure know how to enjoy a day off. However, I'm glad you are enjoying cleaner carpet. Bet it smells nice too! I like that carpet. Had to laugh at you using Louie's pool table for your quilter get-togethers. :)

  2. Sounds like you found another great deal! I'm glad to know that you aren't affected by the tornadoes - I saw on the news that some in the Mid-West have had a rough time. Enjoy the rest of your day off!

  3. Great way to spend your day off. I love to have everything nice and clean. Hope you got to do a little quilting after cleaning the carpets.

  4. That's good carpet! It looks good (in photos anyway) before and after. Looks like you got a good deal with the shampooer too. I always feel like I'm taking a chance buying used appliances.


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