Sunday, February 2, 2014

February Quilting~~Boho Girl….And A MOUSE!

Our quilting day was yesterday, and Ronelle chose the block to sew. The pattern is called Boho Girl, and is in the May/June 2013 issue of McCall’s Quilting. It was a fun block to make, and I think the finished quilt will be so fun and colorful! I did forget to take a photo of the block I made though, sew….mine is the third one from the left, top row. Smile




Ronelle chose black and white for Fat Quarters exchange. I just love FQ’s. They are candy for the ‘eye’, and no calories! Winking smile


After sewing Ronelle’s quilt block, I started working on a Veteran’s quilt top kit that I picked up from the Park View Lutheran Quilt Ministry. I didn’t get finished during quilting yesterday, but I did finish it up this morning.

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One of our quilters, Leslie, made a very special quilt. The image she made was of a new restaurant/bar that her son owns. She even put people on it, and her son is the one on the top left. The quilt will be hung inside his business when it is finished. She is a very proud mom, and very talented!


In other news, I've been MORE than a little stressed lately. Last Wednesday night Louie noticed a 'new addition' to our garage. A mouse. Eeeekkk! Mr. Mouse (I say Mr because no woman could cause this much stress on another woman) has been having quite a good time. He ripped up a partial roll of toilet paper in our motorcycle trunk, and he ate a poison block. Louie put out 4 traps yesterday. After quilting, we went to Mechanicsville to see my sweet brother and sisterinlove. When we got in the Edge to go, there was mouse poop in a couple places ON THE DASH!!! Oh my racing heart! I was very nervous for that 50 minute drive, and imagined feeling him inside my seat on my back. I feared he would run around inside the car while we were in it. I didn't turn on my seat heaters because if he was in there, I didn't want to chase him out and have him running around the car, or up my pant leg, or cook him and have him smell to high heaven, and be stuck in the seat.

When we got to Mechanicsville, we opened up the back hatch and looked around. There was green mouse poop all over the sheet I have laid in the back on the floor (green from the poison block). We have a large, soft zippered cooler back there, and when I picked it up and pulled it out, THERE HE WAS! Surprised smile He was just sitting there between the back of the back seat and us. He didn't feel very well, and didn't move, but he was alive. Thank God we still had a Goodwill bag with bed risers in the bag, because Louie took one of them and put the hollow side over top of him and drug him forward then FLUNG him out of the car into the snow, all the while I am going, ‘OH OH OH’....and almost hyperventilating!

We went in the house for a few minutes, and when we came back out, he was still in the snow, and still breathing, but not moving. I was doing double duty on the breathing for both of us! Look at those big eyes!

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Oh wait…just kidding. That was my computer trackball mouse! Winking smile Here he is!

I just hope he doesn't have any more family members out in my garage! We had one mouse a couple years ago, but I didn’t even know we had one. I went out to the garage for something in my van, and I didn’t see him, but before I went back in the house, he had ‘passed on’ right in the middle of the floor. I kicked him outside. That was only one time in 18 years, until this one, but this is the first time I have EVER seen a mouse in a vehicle! Be still my heart, and blood pressure! I have to tell you, I was so worked up, my chest felt like I had run a race!

We did get to a few thrift stores before they closed, after the mouse eviction, and I did find a few ‘treasures’. A pink vase, a red ‘edible arrangements’ vase, a ‘once burned ‘Fabulous Fudge Brownie’ Gold Canyon candle, a couple red/star pillow cases for the fabric, a couple of homemade curtain panels for the Iowa State Cyclone fabric, and a pink floral pillow sham for the fabric. I also found a night light/candle warmer plug in, and a wall mounted ironing board/iron holder. Not too much, but enough to make me smile! We also ate supper at Perkins. Yum!

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I’m hoping for a calmer day today. I don’t think my heart can take much more excitement! I’m going to try to ‘lay low’ today. I might sew together another quilt top, or take a nap, or both.

Hope your day is wonderful!


  1. I had to laugh about the mouse! We have 8 cats so we don't have to worry about mice! LOL

  2. So happy MR. Mouse is gone. I really enjoyed our quilting time yesterday.

  3. Wow, fun quilts, not fun mouse! Glad all is back to normal now!!

  4. I must admit I don't like mice but I don't think they bother me as much as you! :) blessings, marlene

  5. Oh no, but too funny. I can so relate to the feeling that he was in the seat with you. Isn't it funny how we let our imaginations run wild at times like that?

  6. I'm with you on mice ewwwww. I found one in the house years ago and made hubby come home from work to catch it .You found some nice things ,I have those candle warmers all over the house but instead of wax I use essential oils and a few drops of water , there wonderful and no worry of candles starting a fire .Enjoy


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