Friday, February 14, 2014

The Best Valentine Ever!

john 316 valentine-2


Forecast for Friday, Saturday, and possibly even Sunday……

Stitching forecast


Hope your Valentine’s day, and weekend is wonderful! Red heart



  1. Certainly the greatest Love story ever told. Amen!

  2. Funny this is how we spent Valentines day with a trip to Jo Anns in the USA .I have the best hubby ever .

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you Michelle - just a bit late. :) My husband has been away for 3 weeks on a mission trip and came home for the weekend on Friday, so that was the best gift I could have. He's headed back for 3 more weeks today. I wasn't allowed to travel yet so I couldn't go - sure is hard to be away from him that long but I am thanking God for cell phones. :) blessings, marlene


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