Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kenmore 1249

Yesterday after I went to the eye dr, and my dilated eyes settled down a bit, I went to Dubuque to run some errands for my sweet hubby. Sew, I WAS in Dubuque after all, and sew I just HAD to go to the Goodwill store! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found this Kenmore 1249. I have been on the lookout for a couple machines for a local church quilting group, and was very pleased to find this one at an unbelievable price.  I found a manual online and printed it.


I wiped it off with a dishcloth, removed the lint and disassembled the bobbin area, and oiled it. I took the top off and oiled it in there too. It didn’t need anything other than that, except a new light bulb. There were no stuck or frozen parts. Someone loved this machine and took good care of it.


All of the stitches worked. The only complaint I had was on the extra bobbins. Each bobbin had four to five colors on them. I used one of them for top thread while I tested the stitches. Can you see at the very top where the red stretch stitch zigzag looks like the tension got too tight and ended? That was where the red thread was tied onto another color, and it started pulling. The thread snapped and that was that. I put on a new color and all was well. I understand times were tough, and people liked to use every inch of thread they had, but I don’t understand how they think (thought) tying threads together on a bobbin is good for a machine. It causes trouble every time. EVERY. TIME. I wound a new bobbin and she was ready to go.


One of the ladies from the quilting group came over this morning to pick up this machine, and a machine that she found, that I looked over. She was a lovely lady, who I enjoyed visiting with, and I found out that she is a cousin to a good friend of mine who lives in Amarillo, Texas. Our visit ended too soon. I hope we get to visit again soon. (Thanks Peggy!)

God works in mysterious ways. I have met so many wonderful people through this blog, and through being able to look for and fix their sewing machines. I feel truly blessed!

Hope you weekend is wonderful!



  1. Looks like you found another gem. Did you find any other treasures?

  2. Love your new baby! :)

    Have a Blessed day

  3. Excellent! That's my favorite model of Kenmore. So strong and reliable, and easy to work with. What a find!

  4. I love sewing machines, and it always makes me happy to hear that you have found another one and gotten it into the hands of someone who will appreciate it! Thank you for giving me a smile!!


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