Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Park View Quilting Daycation

Two weeks ago today, I was ahead enough at work to take a vacation day and go to Park View to sew with the quilting girls. I sewed this quilt top.

March 11, 2014

I don’t know what was up with my phone camera that day, but I couldn’t get a clear photo to save my soul!

Here is JoLynn showing the second quilt top she did with her new quilter!


This is my friend Kay, stitching down binding. I twisted around and snapped it quick…hence, poor quality.


Busy little bees….

Connie ironing and Helen stitching down binding. Maybe the sun coming in had something to do with my poor focusing, or maybe I just am a poor photographer!

Connie Helen

Pat and Shirley.

Pat Shirley

Petra cutting, JoLynn stitching down binding, and Connie ironing.

Petra JoLynn Connie

Kay, Shirley and I went out for pie afterwards. It was a nice day!

The girls are quilting again today, and I will be thinking of them, but today, I have to work! Sad smile 

Whatever you are doing today, have the best day ever!



  1. Very nice job! You ladies are doing such a wonderful thing.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  2. I love your quilt top, it's beautiful! You are a part of a wonderful project!

  3. Love your new border on your blog. Sew Spring!!

  4. Thanks Renea. Unfortunately, the Cutest Blog on the Block blog background is no longer available,and I haven't found another I like. ;(


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