Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mark Trammell Quartet and Good Friends

Last night was another great night. Louie, Jack, and I met our friends Dave and Judy and went to their church, Emmanuel Reformed Church in Morrison, Illinois to see the Mark Trammell Quartet. It was a fun evening with great music, worship and fellowship.


This is one of their new songs. It’s catchy, a toe-tapper, and has a great message.


It’s always great to see good friends, and spend time with my brother Jack, too! (Since I didn’t  take any new pictures this time of D, J, and J, I cropped the one I used last time. Louie was there this time too) Smile




I have all these dates marked on my calendar and I can’t wait to to each and every one of them!


Thank you Dave and Judy for your hospitality and non-expiring invitations for us to join you for music and fellowship. We love you!




  1. What a fun time - there's really nothing like spending time with good friends. :) blessings, marlene

  2. Wow that bass voice sent shivers up my arms ,glad you had a good time .


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